Ellis Grey

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Once Meredith arrived at the airport she boarded the plane and headed for Boston. All she could think was that the worst possible thing could happen to her mother, there could be something seriously wrong and she could take a turn for the worse. Not only was she thinking about that, Meredith was thinking about her boyfriend and what Alex, Izzie, and herself had discussed. Maybe something like this would help them figure out if they should take the next step.

Back in Seattle Derek hadn't left the spot where Meredith had left him. He was still sitting there pondering the idea of going after her. He'll decide once she calls.

A few hours passed and Meredith got off the plane and got to a quiet spot where she could call Derek, she decided she would call Alex later.

D: Hey, are you on the way to the hospital yet?

M: No, I just got off the plane and found a spot where it was quiet enough to call you.

D: Okay, how was your flight? Are you doing okay?

(A tear falls down Meredith's cheek)

M: It was fine, I-I'm fine, I just...

D: Meredith...

(Through sobs)

M: Derek, I-I've been thinking for a while, and I want us to be something more, I want you, I want the whole thing.

D: Meredith, why don't I get on a flight early in the morning and come be with you, I knew as soon as you left that you shouldn't be doing something like this alone. You worry about your mom, we can talk about together. Okay?

M: Okay, I love you. I will call you later, I need to get to the hospital.

D: I love you too Meredith.

Meredith hung up the phone, wiped her tears, grabbed her luggage and headed for the hospital. She was more than happy that Derek decided to come after her. She knew she was stupid to leave by herself. She spoke to Alex on the way to the hospital and told him that Derek would be flying out in the morning, Alex was glad that she wouldn't be alone.

Once Meredith got to her mom's room the doctor explained to Meredith that her mom was dying. "She has a tumor on her brain stem, it's aggressive. It's a wonder she didn't come in earlier. The symptoms for something like this are pretty severe, the seizures come once it has advanced," the doctor explained. "She lives alone, I live in Seattle. She's not very good when it comes to her being sick, she tries to put it on the backburner. She doesn't stop, even when she should," Meredith said looking at her mom lying in the hospital bed. There were tubes and monitors everywhere. "She doesn't have long Miss Grey, a month at the most, the tumor is advancing quickly, it's officially inoperable. I am so sorry," he continued placing a hand on her shoulder and leaving. Meredith walked over to her mom's side, "You weren't a bad mom to me, you were just focused on your work. I have things figured out now, I've grown. I am sure you would be proud," Meredith said holder her mom's hand. She decided to step out and call Derek again.

D: Hey, have you seen your mom yet?

M: Yeah, the doctor said-Derek it's not good.

D: I have a flight booked for late tonight, 11, I will be there as soon as possible, I will come straight to the hospital unless you are in a hotel.

M: Thank you Derek, so much

D: I'm supposed to be there for you, it's my job. I can't let you do anything like this alone, you need a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, someone to remind you that you are loved, anything at all, I will do no matter the circumstances. I love you Meredith Grey, I always will.

(Through tears)

M: I love you too, see you when you get here.

Derek hung up and walked back over to where he was sitting and waited for his flight number to be called, his flight was really in less than an hour. He couldn't wait any longer, he needed to be there for Meredith. After about another 15 minutes they were allowed to board the plane, soon after he was on his way to Boston.

Meredith updated Alex, he said he would tell the secretary you might be out longer than anticipated. Meredith thanked him and told him she would call him in the morning. After she hung up she walked back through the hospital doors and went back to her mom's room, she sat down in the chair next to her and soon drifted off to sleep.

Derek's plane landed about 9:00pm so he flagged down a taxi and told the driver to go to the hospital. Upon arrival he paid the driver and walked inside. "I'm looking for Ellis Grey," he told a nurse at the desk. "Are you family?" she asked. "I-I'm about to be her son in law," he said deciding that it was an okay time to pull the 'son in law' card. "She's in room 208 down the hall and third door on the left. "Thank you," Derek responded. He walked down the hall with monitors beeping and oxygen tanks filling his ears.

Derek made it to Ellis' room and stood in the doorway, he saw Meredith curled up in a chair next to Ellis' almost lifeless body. He walked over to where Meredith was sleeping, "What are you doing here? I thought you wouldn't be here till almost morning," Meredith said a little groggily. "That's what I told you, but I didn't want you to be alone any longer, it killed me to watch you walk out the door alone," Derek said crouching down next to her. "Thank you," she said getting up to hug him. Derek wrapped Meredith in a tight hug, it was like they would never see each other again. "Have you eaten?" he asked pulling away. "No," she said. "Meredith you have to eat," Derek said caressing her cheek. "I'm not hungry," Meredith responded. "Why don't we walk down to the cafeteria and grab something light to eat," Derek proposed. "Okay," Mer said with a light smile. She took Derek's hand and they made their way to the cafeteria. Meredith went to find a table and Derek grabbed 2 small sandwiches and 2 bottles of water.

Once, he found Meredith he sat down across from her, "So, about what I said earlier, the whole 'I want more thing'..." Meredith said taking a bite of her sandwich. "Yeah," Derek said. "I want that, I want more than a weekend getaway with you or you sleeping over whenever. I want to come home and tell you about my day, or get up early and go on a run with you and Molly-" Meredith was cut off. "You're rambling, I don't mind though I find it adorable," Derek laughed. "I want that too, maybe even we could build us a house and have kids one day, but for now, why don't I move in. I'm sure you don't want to live in my trailer, and we go from there," he smiled his McDreamy smile. "Okay," Meredith finally cracked a smile. They finished eating and walked back to Ellis' room.

"Derek," Meredith said stopping. "Meredith," he said realizing what was going on. There were nurses and doctors running into Ellis' room with a crash cart and everything else. They both hung back at the nurses station waiting for someone to come out with either bad news or hopefully good news. About 20 minutes had passed and the nurse that helped Derek came walking out, "Nurse," Derek asked. "Do you have any news about Ellis Grey?" he asked. "I am so sorry, she had a massive heart attack. We did everything we could," she said. "Thank you," Derek replied. Meredith collapsed into Derek's arms. Derek didn't have any words to help Meredith.

She gets a call that her Mother had had a seizure, flies to Boston to get told she had an inoperable tumor on her brain stem, then her mother has a heart attack. All within the same day. Derek was just grateful he made it out in time to be with Meredith. 

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