Biggest Fear: Commitment

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Omg I have been gone wayyyy too long! If you follow merdercaps on instagram you would know that I have had a concussion since December 20th and it has caused me a lot of problems. I am doing 3 types of therapy and I have to wear sunglasses 24/7. It's bad but I found some time to finish this part and post it for you guys. I have missed this so much and I am hoping I can get back on a schedule. I'm sorry it's so short but I can't write for very long without getting tired or getting a massive headache. I miss you guys so much! XOXOXOgrace

They sat down in the chairs that were placed in front of the desk that belonged to an attorney. He was sitting there with a notepad in front of him ready to take notes. "Hello Meredith, Derek," he nodded reaching to shake their hands. They both nodded shaking his hand saying hello. They both leaned back in their chairs and shared a short glance as Mr. Paxton explained to him what would be happening and how this session would go. "So, Meredith you are just going to explain to me what happened. Details are appreciated to better support the case. I will be asking questions as we go along but don't feel pressured to answer everything." Meredith nodded as Derek took her hand in a reassuring way. Meredith took a deep breath and started off with what she had told Derek before.

"I met this guy, Finn Dandridge, and I thought he was it for me but as time went on we would argue over the silliest of things and he had a drinking problem. I kept asking him to stop, he would go out and drink all the time, I was tired of it. I told him if he didn't stop I would leave him." Mr. Praxton stopped her.

"Would he act violent towards you as you asked him to stop the drinking problem?" Meredith thought for a second.

"He would yell at me sometimes, I thought most of the time it was just because he was drunk. He would tell me that I couldn't leave because if I did he would hurt me." Meredith said tears rolling down her cheeks.

Derek wanted to hold her and he got more upset the more Meredith continued. She told the attorney everything, from the beginning of the attack to the end. Mr. Praxton asked her questions like what she did after she was released from the hospital and why she didn't tell anyone. The question that frustrated Derek the most though was when Mr. Praxton looked Meredith right in her eyes and had the audacity to ask what she was wearing that day.

"Does that really matter Mr. Praxton?" Derek asked leaning forwards.

"Derek," Meredith said putting her hand on his arm.

"He was drunk, he was an alcoholic, he was violent and he didn't care what she was wearing. He wanted what he wanted. Your question is irrelevant." Derek said more pissed off than he was before.

"Meredith you don't have to answer if you don't want to," Mr. Praxton said realizing what Derek was saying.

"Can we take a break?" She asked wiping her face.

"Sure," Mr. Praxton nodded.

Meredith and Derek walked outside to get some fresh air and talk.

"Derek, I can't do this anymore, I told him everything. I don't know what else he needs. Finn raped me and beat me, that's what happened. I-" Meredith said breaking down.

"Meredith," Derek said fighting back his own tears as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I just don't know what else to tell him," Meredith pleaded.

"There is nothing else. You did great and that's all that matters. I'll take you home and we can just relax." Derek said rubbing his hands up and down her arms.

Meredith cracked a smile, "Okay,"

They walked back inside and finished up their session with the attorney and he said he would turn their stuff in and see what he could do. They shook hands and thanked him for his time and walked back out into the parking lot to head home.

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