Chapter Two

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I grabbed my cheek and my mom came out of the kitchen, pulling my dad away from me. I felt tears roll down my cheeks as I walked upstairs. I grabbed a change of clothes and packed an overnight bag. I grabbed my keys and left. I drove to the school and ditched my phone in my locker, leaving it charging. Each of our lockers have charging ports since our school is very tech forward. It's great. I went to Alex's house and knocked on the door.

"Mischa," Her mom said, "Oh honey. What happened to your cheek?"

"Nothing. Is Alex here?"

"Yeah. She's in her room. Come in sweetie." I thanked her as I walked in. "Go on." I smiled and walked upstairs. I knocked on her door and she opened it.

"What happened," She asked.

"My dad slapped me. Because Jonah saw me talk to you." She hugged me and I cried into her shoulder. "I just wanna be with you."

"I know baby," She whispered and kissed my cheek, "Phone and keys."

"Left my phone at school and my car at a property my dad owns. Nothing else can track me."

"Stay for the night," She whispered, "I don't want you hurt."


"Yes. My mom loves you. I love you."

"I love you too," I sobbed, "I hate him. I just want you."

"We'll get through this. I promise."

"He threatened to kill you," I whispered, "I'm scared. That he actually will. He's killed people before. He has ten hit men that could easily take you out. Please be careful. Go everywhere with someone. I will never forgive myself if you die."

"Why are you telling me," she whispered.

"To protect you. Believe it or not, the more you know, the better you can prepare." I shrugged my bag off and grabbed her by the waist. "I will do everything I can to protect you. But we can not be seen together again."

"Mischa, someone is here to see you," her mom, Manni, said, "he's tall. White, black hair. Russian."

"That's Dmitry," I replied, "anyone else with him?"

"No. Just him." I nodded and went downstairs. He smiled at me.

"I'm leaving for Canada. Your dad is freaking out. Jonah will be here soon. Tell him she's not here. That Alex isn't even here. Here's the money I have minus what I need to get to Canada. I love you so much. And I got you a different phone. Your dad doesn't know about it. Use it to text me and Alex. No one else," he ranted, "your father is livid."

"I know. I don't care. He will have to live with me and Alex. Thank you so much," I replied. I hugged him for a minute, maybe longer, and smiled at him. "Don't forget to send me pictures." He nodded and left. I went back upstairs with Alex. We stayed completely quiet and locked in her room until he left.

Her mom followed Dmitry's instructions. "He's gone," Manni said. We nodded and I took my jacket off, throwing it to the end of her bed.

"Never seen you wear that." It was just just a plain black hoodie.

"Keep it. No one will know." She giggled and I took her hand, intertwining our fingers and letting her cuddle into my side.

"No matter what happens, I love you and I trust you," she said, "you're a beautiful person. Inside and out. You can't do anything about your family."

"Thank you." Alexandria squeezed my hand. "What if we ran away too?"

"No. I like it here."

"Not now. After graduation. To Virginia Beach. It's only two hours away but still."

"I'll think about it."

"Please," I whispered and kissed her hand, "if I wanna get out. I have to be a goody-two-shoes for my dad. We can't talk at school or in public."

"I understand. Three more months."

"Three more months," I whispered.


"Mischa," Jonah yelled as soon as I got to school. "Where the hell were you last night?"

"Alone. I got a hotel room."

"Where," he pressed.

"Just the Candlewood Suites in the city," I replied and handed him the receipt. I did get a room, but I didn't stay there.

He scowled at me and I saw Alex laughing out of the corner of my eye. I went to my locker and checked my messages. I shoved my phone in my back pocket and went to my first class. Alexandria was in all of them, but Jonah is in none. He's two years younger than me. No chance in hell he's getting into my classes.

Who knows who my dad has working for him? "Okay guys! We're doing a project on The Scarlet Letter. So I have pairs for you guys," Miss G said and grabbed her clipboard, "okay, I randomly pulled names out of a hat. So, you get what you get. Janice and Katy. Petra and Jane. Alexandria and Mischa." I stopped listening after that.

I went to the bathroom and called my mom. "Mischa, what's up?"

"I have this group project and we got assigned partners. Alexandria, the girl father doesn't want me talking to, is my partner," I answered.

"Well, there's nothing you can do about it. I'll talk to your father."

"Thanks mom."

"Have a good day," she said and hung up. I went back to class and sat beside her.

"Sorry, I had to call my mom so she could talk to my father. You know the situation," I rambled. She nodded. "Strictly business."


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