Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Adelia’s P.O.V.


“I’m sorry.” Michael tells me the second he sits down at our lunch table on Monday. I roll my eyes and take a bite of my food. I’d successfully managed to ignore him all weekend. “I was acting stupid. Something kind of just came up. I didn’t want to sound rude but-”
“But you did. Here you are, begging me not to call Luke because you want to spend time with me, but the second someone calls you, you’re out of my house.”

“I’m sorry, I-”

“I don’t care, Michael. You were being a dick and I’m mad at you.”

“I don’t know what to say. I’m really-” Michael stops mid-sentence as Luke sits down.

“What’d I miss?” Luke asks.

“Why don’t you ask Michael?” I snap.

“Okay, you’re mad at Michael. I just don’t know why. Care to fill me in?”

“Ask Michael.” I tell him, standing up.

“Where are you going?” Luke asks.

“Anywhere but here.” I mutter unhappily. I walk out of the lunchroom and down the hall.

How could Michael be such a jerk? He was being a dick and he thinks he can just walk over and apologize and everything’s gonna be okay? He’s wrong. I’ve never had to deal with someone as ignorant and stupid. Except Ashton occasionally.

I turn a corner and crash into someone. “Oh, shit. Sorry.” I mutter.

“Damn it, Lia. Pay attention.” Calum says with a smile.

“What are you doing out of class?” I ask him.

“Luke texted me, told me you had a meltdown, and Ashton’s in a test. Obviously it was my responsibility to come sort things out.”

“I’m mad at Michael.”
“I know. And you have full right to be.”
“I thought you were gonna come ‘sort things out’.”

“Nah, he was being a dick. Be mad at him if you want to be.”
“Thank you.” I tell him. “Now get back to class.”
“Get back to lunch.”

“Touche.” I say with a smile.

The bell rings and Calum curses under his breath. “I’ve got to go. See you later.” He gives me a hug and then disappears down the hall.

I get shoved forward by some jocks and trip over my own feet. I catch myself before I fall and walk down the hall towards my class. Last one before I go home.

The class goes by uneventfully and the second the bell rings I run to my locker. I put in my combination and start getting my things ready.

“Hey.” Someone says behind me. I turn around and see Marigold Summers, the most popular girl in school, with her posse. What did I do to deserve this? And the only time I’m ever alone.

“Hi.” I say awkwardly.

“I heard about what happened a while ago with Mark. I’m glad that you have good friends who look out for you. He’s a total dick. He got what he deserved.” She smiles. “Oh, and your party was great, too.”

“Thanks.” I say, sounding kind of surprised. This was all like, a month ago.

“I’m a busy girl.” She says, like she can read my mind. “Listen, if you ever wanna hang out with me and the girls you can. We’re going to the carnival this weekend, if you wanna tag along. You can bring your friends too.”

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