Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


Ashton’s P.O.V.


“Lia.” I say, knocking on her door. She doesn’t answer, but I can hear her muffled cries. “Lia, please, open the door.”

“Go away.” She yells between a broken sob. She throws something at her door. I can’t explain exactly what I feel. I mean, I’m hurt that my little sister’s hurt, but I don’t wanna kill Luke, even though I do. From what I understood, it was on mutual terms, but from the sounds of it, she probably agreed to whatever he said.

“Lia, please open the door.” I rest my forehead against her door and knock lightly.

“I don’t wanna talk!” She yells.


“Go away!”

And I do.

Straight to Luke’s house.

“What the fuck happened?” I ask the second he answers the door, but I regret my harsh tone the second I see him. “Fuck, are you okay?”

“No.” He answers quietly.

He looks like a wreck. His eyes are red and tired. He’s been crying. For a long time.

“Wanna talk about it?” I ask.

“Sure.” He answers weakly. I follow him into his bedroom and he sits on his bed, rubbing his eyes. “I didn’t want to.” He says. “But I had to.”

“I know what Michael said, but-”

“I love her, Ashton. You need to understand that. I love her.”

“I know.”

“But MIchael does too.” Luke says quietly. “I’ve done this too many times. I’m tired of being the bad guy. I was thinking that maybe I could do something right for once. And it’s taking everything inside of me not to go over to your house and beg her to take me back. It’s taking everything. It’s so hard. But I know that it was gonna end eventually. But fuck, I love her so much.” He says. And with that, he’s sobbing. I awkwardly pat his back as he cries loudly into his pillow.

“It’s okay.” I tell him. “But you really didn’t have to break up with her because of Michael-”

“Yes I did! You don’t get it!” He tells me. “You don’t understand. It’s happened before. Girls go out with Michael, then ditch him for me. I had to break the cycle. Especially after what happened with Marigold. That was brutal. If Marigold hadn’t done that, I’d probably still be with Lia, but it killed me. It snapped me in half. Ever since prom I’ve known. I just had to break it off before it got more painful.”

I nod. “I get it.”

“You don’t understand how much it hurts.” He tells me. “But I had to. I didn’t want to. But I had to. I just love her so much.”

Fucking Marigold.

Always fucking things up.




Lia’s P.O.V.


“How are you feeling?” Ashton asks as he steps inside my room.

“I’ve been better.”

“You’ve been living in his flannel since you two broke up.”

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