Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


Adelia’s P.O.V.


The second we get home, Ashton slams the door shut behind us and I take a deep breath.

“What the fuck was that?” He yells.

“What do you mean?”

“You haven’t been dating Luke! You came home sobbing earlier this week because Michael was kissing Marigold and now you’re telling him you’ve been dating Luke since the party?”

“Hey! You went along with it! And it wasn’t my idea! Luke said that because Michael was being a dick!”

“What did he say?” Ashton asks.

“He said that no one would date me.” I tell Ashton. “Now stop yelling or mom’s gonna wake up.”
“Too late.”

Ashton and I both turn our heads and I smile at my mom.

“It’s about time you two got home! And what’s all this yelling about? Do you have any idea what time it is?”

I look over at the clock.

“Really late.” I answer.

“Exactly. Now both of you go to sleep. You can scream about whatever tomorrow. I have to go to work early. Please go to bed.”

“Sorry.” We both apologize at the same time.

She turns around and walks down the hall to her room. Ashton and I walk up the stairs in silence and both go to our rooms. I close the door behind me and take a seat on my bed.

Luke kissed me.

I can’t help the smile from spreading onto my lips. I bite my lip nervously. But what about Michael? I mean, I know he’s dating Marigold, but I still have feelings for him and I don’t think it’s fair to Luke if I lead him on when I like Michael. But Michael’s such a dick. And Luke’s not.

My phone vibrates and I take it out of my pocket. My eyes widen.

Oh, fuck.




“Party time!” Ashton yells, making sure everything is perfect before our guests arrive. Mom had to go out of town again. She’s on another business trip. Sometimes I wish she was home more, but I really need a beer tonight.

“Where’s Luke?” Calum asks.

“Not feeling well.” I tell him. I went over to Luke’s house earlier today and he was laying in bed, coughing and sneezing. He looked so cute with his nose red. The way his nose would crinkle when he’d sniffle. “He has a really bad cold.”

“Well, I’m sure you’ll still have fun.” Calum tells me.

“I don’t need fun. I need a beer. Maybe a joint.”
“Lia, I don’t want you smoking.” Ashton tells me.

I roll my eyes. “Whatever.”

The doorbell rings and Ashton walks over to answer. Michael is standing in the doorway, with his leech stuck to his side.

Soon, the party is in full swing and people are drunk, high, and all sorts of shit. I drink a few beers, not enough to be drunk, but enough to feel like I’m buzzing. I’ve progressively snuck beers up to my room in the past hour. I think I’ve got at least ten up there. I grab another one off of the table and drink it all in less than a minute.

“Whoa, slow down.” Ashton tells me. “You’re trying a little too hard to get drunk.”

“It’s not my fault my brother helped me build up a high alcohol tolerance. I need a ton of these to get drunk.”
“Don’t have sex.” He reminds me.

“Never.” I tell him, with an innocent smile. He rolls his eyes and walks away.




“Lia! Just come on!” He groans, struggling to drag me up the stairs.

I start laughing. “No! The party is down there!” I hiccup and erupt in giggles. “I wanna go dance. Do you want to dance with me?”

“No. I don’t.”

I fall over and he catches me before I hit the ground. He rolls his eyes and drags me into my room. I laugh and fall over onto my bed. I sit up and watch as he leans against the wall. I get up and walk over to him. “I still haven’t seen you drunk.” I tell him quietly.

“And you won’t. I told you, I don’t drink much. Not as much as you.”

“But Michael, drinking is fun!” I tell him, throwing my hands up in the air.

“Calm down.” He tells me sternly.

I feel tears pricking at my eyes and take a step back.

“Why are you crying?” He asks me, a bored expression on his face.

“Why do you hate me?” I ask, confused. “You hate me! You’re so mean to me! You’re such a jerk!” I tell him.


“You weren’t like this before! I don’t know why you’re acting like such a jerk!” My voice cracks and I start crying.

He rolls his eyes. “C’mon, Lia. Pull yourself together.”

I walk over to my dresser and open a beer.

“Lia, put that down.”
I drink the whole thing.

I giggle as I stumble towards him. “Why so serious, Michael?” I ask him, dragging his name out. I take a drunken step towards him and wrap my arms around his neck. His eyes widen, but he doesn’t move. I lean forward, but he pulls away.

“Lia, what the fuck are you doing?” He asks.

“What the hells it looks like I’m doing?” I counter.

“I have a girlfriend.” He states firmly. “And you have a boyfriend.”
I shrug. “Yeah, and neither of them are here.”

“My girlfriend is downstairs.” He tells me, through gritted teeth.

“Then why are you up here with me?” I ask.


“Why are you up here taking care of me, instead of being downstairs with your girlfriend? Why do you even care?!” I yell.

“I don’t!”

“If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be here right now! Just go downstairs and fuck your girlfriend! Get out of my room!” I yell.

“Fine.” He spits. “But lock the door behind me.”

“Don’t tell me what to fucking do.” I spit.

“Lock it.” He commands before slamming the door shut behind him.

I collapse onto my bed and start crying.

How the fuck did I get here?

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