Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


Luke’s P.O.V.


I left early the next morning to get ready for school. I left a note on the side of Lia’s bed, telling her I would hopefully be back for lunch if I finished that math test I had the period before. I pull into the school’s parking lot and I’m immediately swarmed by a flock of people.

Questions are flying at me, left and right about how Lia’s doing. Half of the people are taking her side, and the other half are criticizing her. I swear, if they weren’t all girls-

“Luke!” Michael yells over the crowd of people. I push through them and meet Michael. “Hey.” He says awkwardly.

“Hi. Uh, how’s Marigold?” I ask him.

“She refuses to come to school until her face looks normal again. Lia beat the shit out of her. How is Lia?”

“More annoyed than anything, I guess. She knows that Marigold is a bitch, it had to be said mate, and that she’s just an attention seeker. Honestly, Marigold was asking for it.”

“I know.” Michael groans, running his hands through his hair. “She was, that was, it was terrible.” He stutters. “She had no right to say anything about that to her, and-” He takes a deep breath. “Yeah, she’s a bitch.”

“Why are you even dating her, Michael?” I ask. “She’s not your type at all. All your past girlfriends have been down to earth and funny, but Marigold.” I take a deep breath. “She’s not at all what I thought you would go for.”

Michael shrugs. “I guess people change.”

“Yeah.” I say quietly. “So, uh,-”
“Luke, please tell me she’s okay.” Ashton says from behind me.

“Yeah, she’s fine.”

“She still won’t talk to me and it’s eating me alive. I shouldn’t have believed anything Marigold said and-”

“What did she even say?” I ask.

Ashton takes a deep breath. “She said that Lia told her that you were more important to her than the rest of us. She also said that Lia told her that she didn’t feel like we had a good relationship anymore and she didn’t really care because she had you. I just, felt like she was replacing everyone with you. I’m sorry-”

“I shouldn’t be the one you’re apologizing to.” I tell him quietly.

“She just ignores me.” He tells me with a frown.

“I would too.” I tell him. “Where’s Calum?” I ask.

“Sick.” Ashton answers. “Got a cold.”

I nod. I turn to face Michael. “Looks like it’s just you and me during lunch again.”

“Just like old times.” He says with a grin.

The bell rings and I wave goodbye before walking towards the school. “Luke!” Ashton calls out. I turn around and wait until he catches up with me. “Listen, don’t take it personally, but I’d appreciate it if you didn’t stop by after school today. I wanna sort things out with Lia.”

“You got it.” I tell him. “Good luck.”
“Thanks.” He tells me before heading to class.




“So.” I say awkwardly, facing Michael. “Wanna hang out?”

We Never Change || Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now