Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


Adelia’s P.O.V.


I sit up with a sigh. Who the fuck is knocking this early? And especially on my bedroom door. Ashton always wakes me up yelling. It’s like, seven. I groan, rub my eyes, and get out of bed. I open my bedroom door and immediately roll my eyes.

“What the fuck do you want?” Michael snaps.

“You’re the one in my room, you dick.” I say, rolling my eyes.

“I came because you called me.” He says.

“What?” I ask. “I didn’t fucking call you!”

“Yes, you fucking did.” He holds his phone out to me and I look at it.

“What the fuck? I didn’t fucking call you.”

“Cut the bullshit. What do you fucking want?”

“I didn’t fucking call you!”

He rolls his eyes. “Sure you didn’t.”

“She didn’t.” Ashton says from behind Michael.

“Ashton! You fucking dick!” I yell.

“You two need to stop this. It’s been almost a month and you’ve been at each other’s throats.”

“It’s not my fault Michael’s such a cunt.” I scoff.

“Shut the fuck up, bitch.” Michael snaps.

“Fuck off, Michael.” Ashton says. “I won’t let you keep talking to my little sister like that. And you too, Lia. Stop acting like a bitchy little baby. Both of you obviously need to talk. This whole fight happened because Michael answered his damn phone when you two were hanging out. Don’t you think it’s a little extreme?”

“We don’t need a fucking mediator.” Michael spits.

“Don’t be a dick.” Ashton says. “We all know you’re jealous as fuck. And you too, Lia. So talk it the fuck out. I’m tired of being caught in the middle and seeing both of you so bitter is annoying as fuck. So pull your shit together.”

I scoff. “As if we’re actually going to do that.”

“You are.” Ashton says.

“And how are you going to make that happen?” Michael challenges.

Ashton shoves him forward, slams by bedroom door shut, and locks it.

“Funny, Ash. This door locks from the inside.” I tell him, as Michael stands back up.

“You sure, Lia? You’re a pretty heavy sleeper.” He says and I can almost see the smirk on his face.

“You didn’t.” I say. I grab the doorknob and start twisting it. I beat my fist against the door. “Ashton, I’m gonna call mom!”

“She’s not gonna answer! She’s in meetings all day! Have fun!” He says with a laugh. I can hear his footsteps fading as he walks down the hall into his room. I turn and face Michael, who’s already sitting on my bed.

“Get off.” I tell him, sternly.

“I’m gonna be here all day. Might as well get comfortable.”

I roll my eyes. “I can’t believe you’re not upset about this.”

“Of course I’m fucking upset. I’m supposed to meet Marigold in an hour.”

We Never Change || Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now