Part 6: realize

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"Do you want to ditch?" Harry asked as i hopped inside his car

"Yeah sure lets go" i really dont feel like going anyway i pretend i was sick last night but of course my mom dont buy it "Where are we going?" I asked

"Thats for me to know and for you to find out" he smirk

The whole ride is silence as fuck we both didnt say anything until baby blue eyes played "Can i turn it up?" I asked

"Let me guess this is your song? Baby blue eyes hu?" He smirked

"Uhuh, i have a blue eyes if you havent notice. Its a really beautiful song i wish someone would sing it to-"

"Baby, baby blue eyes stay with me by my side till the morning through the night. Baby stand here holding my sides closed your baby blue eyes every moment feels right " he sing without hesitation and i giggle

"You're cute Harry really cute, i dont know that you have a beautiful voice" i said and kiss his cheek

"Oooooh i see that how to get a kiss from you. How can i get you to kiss my lips in private" he said as he put his hand on my thigh. Lord safe me. "youre beautiful" he said, what?! Did he just tell me im beautiful? What the fuck harold

"Where was that coming from?" i laugh

"Did you know that? That you're beautiful" he suddenly asked, WHAT IS THIS OMG

"Did you?" I asked back, he just grinned like an idiot, i cant like him.. he's a friend there's no way i can like harry, he literally friend zoned me a week ago "can you tell me where are we going? Please" I asked

"Fine only because you say please. Im thinking about going to santa monica fair" he said, looking straight to the road.

"I really like that idea it'll be super fun" i smile, after fifteen minutes ride we're already there. Its been so long since i go to santa monica fair, i feel harry intertwined his hand as i get outside the car. we're not in school do we have to do this? as much as i want to complain i really like this

I can feel a spark every time he touch its weird, we both get in the line before entering "here's the money" i said as i hand him my money, and of course he doesnt take it

"No im paying" harry said not even looking at me

"Please just let me pay for something i felt like every time we go out you never let me pay" i frown and harry finally give in, making me grinned like a little girl

"Should we get something to eat first or check out the ride first?" Harry asked, i wish i really date him i really really like him

"I say we check out the ride first before we eat, i dont want to throw up that will be really embarrassing" oh my god can you imagine that throw up in front of your crush?? That'll be really really embarrassing. wait what did i just think he's my crush, here i am totally doomed that i realize i like him.

We finally made our way to ferris wheel to be honest im kinda nervous because in scared of heights "whats wrong?" Harry asked as we get inside

"Nothing" i smile at him when its start moving i get closer to harry

"Someone scared of heights" harry tease, i didnt say anything harry suddenly grab my hand making me open my eyes we're already on top and its really beautiful. "This is totally a kissing spot" harry blunt as he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine, at first i didnt kiss him back because my brain trying to process everything.

When harry about to pull away i put my hand on his neck and kiss him, the kiss is different from the party its not full of lust and needy, it just soft. We kissed for a few more seconds before i decided to pull away which i probably gonna regret it later.

Both me and harry didnt say anything i just rested my head on his shoulder, maybe he regret kissing me maybe he dont? Who knows what's going on inside his head right now.

We decided to this walked around and check a couple booths in the fair. "Im hungry, can we get something to eat?" Harry said and i nodded, we both get ourself a pizza and soda.

After we finished our food, we go check out some booths and end up winning 5 games, we gone on roller coaster twice. I dont know about him but i just feel everything that we do today just feels so real, and my feeling for him is real.


I got home like at 8pm and when i got inside the house everyone is there, shit i forgot to call my mom.

"What happend?" I asked because everyone face is panic and everyone is here my sister, dad and mom.

"What happend? you young lady where have we've been looking for you everywhere!" My dad yelled

"We almost call the cops" my mum said as she walk to me and give me a hug "im glad you're okay" for god sake they treat me like a kid, just because im the youngest they need to stop treating me like this. Well I appreciate that they looking out for me but im 16 i can take care of myself

"Your mom even called your sister to look after you. Even we ask taylor where were you and she doesnt have a clue, she said she doesnt see you at school. Last time she saw you, you were with Harry. I dont like that Harry kid he's bad influence for you" My dad yelled, wait what? She never see me with harry, i mean we went straight to santa monica fair. Thats odd

"But dad harry has nothing to do with this beside, im 17 you need to stop treating me like im 7" i frowned

"But you know the ground rules madison" my mom mumbled, right i should be home before dinner on a school night, i know im wrong me and harry lose track of time. I just really enjoy hanging out with him, its like i dont want to get away from him.

"I dont want you to hang with this harry kid ever again, he's a bad influence to you and i dont want him near you. You're grounded and give me your phone?" Wait what? He's got to be kidding me

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrow looking at my dad "i can be friends with who ever i want, its not your decision to choose. How do you know he's a bad influence anyway? Its not like you're here to find out and you dont sh- things about him so please dont talk about him that way" i feel really annoyed by the fact that my dad doesnt want harry to be near me i mean like what the fuck? He's always in and out and he dont know shit about harry.

"Im your father i know whats good for you" my dad said as he take my phone away from my hand and just walk away

"What the fuck" i murmured, what the fuck is wrong with him "mom i swear harry is a great guy, he is gemma's little brother you know how gemma is pl-"

"I'll talk to your dad okay? You dont have to worry about it of course you can still hang with harry whenever you please. He'll come around. and next time you want to go this late please call me first" my mom said as she kiss the top of my head, my dad never like this i mean im got home late a couple times and he never react this way.

"Thanks mom" i feel relief that last night i set password on my phone do my dad cant play spy right now "Serena can you please text gemma to tell harry that im grounded and i dont have my phone with me?"

"Yeah sure thing sis i'll text her, i thought you dont like him" she raise her eyebrow while shes texting someone its gemma probably

"i honestly dont know what to feel right now, i think, i think i like him and we did kiss like foreal" i mumble

"if you like him you should tell him, hell its 2020 you should tell him how you feel boo" she said like it was easy move what if he doesnt like me?? god what just happend to my love life

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