Part 14: date 2.0

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Im really really really nervous about it because its our official first date. Like a real date.

I wear white casual dress and white flat shoes, since harry told me to wear something casual and not to wear heels. Its not like im gonna wear heels anyway, I straightened my hair and put my makeup on. I hope harry like the way i look, i look at the clock and its already 6:30 that means harry should be here soon.

I walk downstairs and i saw my mom setting up table for dinner "where are you going?" My mom asked

"I have a date tonight, do i look okay?" I asked

"You look perfect sweetheart you really do" my mom said, of course she'll say that im her daughter after all.

"Well thank-" i got cut off by knock on the door "well thats my cue bye mom" i kissed her cheek and walk to the front door, there he's wearing white shirt and skinny jeans gosh look look so hot.

"Hey" harry said as he kissed my cheek "are you ready?" He asked

"Yeah lets go" i said, harry open the door for me as i get inside the car.

We really dont talk much on our way to where ever he take me "you're taking me to santa monica?" I asked, well thats explained why he told me to not wear heels

"Yeah i was thinking about picnic and watching sunset and after that we can go get some food again"

"I like the sounds there's a lots of food tonight" i smile at him, he knows me for almost a month and now he already know how to bribed me.

"Hmm" harry hummed as he parked his car, the beach of course not as crowded as in the morning it felt nice to have the beach to ourself

Harry placed the tablecloth on the sand and take out a blanket and a sandwich from the basket "here's yours" harry said

"Thankyou" i smile as i took a bite of the sandwich i prefer a date like this than the one where he take me to the restaurant, because i can see the efforts. "Its really romantic and really thoughtful of you harry thankyou" i said i rested my head on his shoulder

"Anything for you babe" i love when he calls me that

"Its beautiful" i said staring at the sunset, it really is i mean watch sunset on first date just so romantic and thoughtful i feel harry intertwined our hand "i've done this before like watching the sunset but i never realize how beautiful it is"

"You are beautiful, madison" harry said making me lean forward and kiss him once again the butterflies begging to come out forget the butterflies it feels like the whole damn zoo inside my stomach. His hands gripped me by the waist, my back meet the ground as i let out a soft moan making the kiss became more passionate.

Harry finally pulled away, he just catch his breath and look at me. I can see that he grinned, gosh his dimple.. my heart racing so fast right now i hope he cant hear that

Then suddenly harry's lips found their way back to my lips, my hand found their way to harry's curly hair. Harry's hand roamed on my waist pulling me closer to him.

This is perfect.. everything just perfect

We finally pulled apart to catch our breath, he pecked my lips one more time before we pulled apart completely, then suddenly my phone start buzzing

From: unknown

Unknown: hey you stole the birthday boy away from us:(

Unknown: its gemma by the way

Me: wait today is his birthday?

Gemma: you're officially the worst girlfriend ever

Gemma: just tell harry that mom wants him to be home before 9 because we supposed to have dinner, he didnt tell you? Even my mom asked him to invite you

Me: i'll tell him that and no.. i g2g im in the middle of a date rn i dont want to seems rude.

I slipped my phone back to my bag and look at harry "happy birthday, im sorry that i dont bring any pre-"

"Who told you its my birthday" harry huffed

"Gemma did she also told me that your mom wants you to be home before 9" i look at my clock and its already 8.20 "which is in 40 minutes" i frowned i really don't want this date to over but i cant be selfish his family wants him

"Just wait a second" he said as he get up and make a phone call, after a couple minutes he finally come back "i hope you're free tomorrow because we're going to have dinner with my family?" He asked


Umm how about no! Im not your girlfriend harrehhh

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