Part 15: what a night

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"Is it weird that i think you're not gay anymore?" I asked, as me and ricky walk around the mall looking for harry's birthday present

"Why did you ask me that?" He frowned and i shrugged

"I dont know to be honest, i think you're into girl cause i noticed you looking at mine or tay's boobs a couple times" i true though he may think i dont notice but i do "are you like bi now?" I asked

"Im straight and i think im into tay" he mumbled and i really dont know how to react right now "close your damn mouth" ricky rolled his eyes

"It sounds so romantic that you turn straight because of tay" i grinned

"Im straight after my dad sent me to military school, that place is disgusting and make me really really lose interest in boys. I like girls they're beautiful, clean and nice just like taylor" he said and i just hummed "you should buy him something nice like ysl, gucci, or maybe louis vuitton"

"Thats quiet pricey you know can we just buy him something in american apparel, topman, or zara"

"Cmon anything under $1000 is cheap to you we both know that you're loaded" ricky said making me rolled my eyes "bitch your allowance is like $2000 / month, so you better be give him something nice"

"Ugh fine we can go find something in gucci" i said finally give in, i swear if harry doesn't like the present it'll be a wasted of money.

"This one look good" ricky said and i shook my head

"I like this one" holding the blue shirt i look at the price tag and its $740 ugh this is soo pricey

"Buy that before you change your mind because of the price" i find Harry's size and walk to the cashier, i swear to god if harry doesnt like this stupid shirt i'll be pissed. I MEAN ITS $740 he better be likes it


"Serena can you please help me" i groan as i look at my wardrobe i really dont have anything to wear, im such a mess.

"Are you going to harry's place or-"

"No we're going out somewhere fancy, harry told me to wear something nice" this whole this is really frustrating to be honest.

"Just wear this" serena said pulling a

"Now can you please help me with my hair and my makeup im really stressing out right now and i-"

"Say no more, this is what sister made for" serena said as she do my hair and makeup, serena's hand is god she should be makeup artist or something like that "done you look even prettier now"

Harry: are you ready yet?

Me: i thought the dinner start at 7 its still like 6??

Me: but yeah im ready, is it okay if i wear this??



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