"Take care, i'll miss you" i said as i pulled him into a hug
"I'll miss you too baby girl" i can feel butterflies in my stomach trying to escape every time he called me baby girl "text me okay?" I nodded and kiss him
Its been three days and i miss harry like crazy ugh
Me: you need to wake up its like 11pm in here and i miss talking to you
Me: its already like 7 in there, its time to wake up princess
Me: HARREHH I SWEAR IF YOU DONT WAKE UP NOW THERE's NOOooooO kisses when you yot BAck here
Harry: good morning baby
Me: you said good morning when its midnight
Harry: you should sleep babe its almost like 12 in LA and you have school tomorrow
Me: i feel like you dont want to talk to me:( but okay im to sleepy too function
Harry: sleep well baby girl, text me when you're awake xx
Tuesday, 07:33
Harry: wake up you have school!!
Harry: babe get your cute ass out of the bed
Harry: wake up
Harry: babyy cmonn its almost 8
Harry: babe wake up
Harry: i called you 10 times and you're still asleep g8
Harry: maddie baby you're late for school its already 8 which you only have 30 minutes to get ready
Me: i was making breakfast i left my phone in my room
Me: food morning
Me: good morninh*
Me: good morning**
Harry: can you send me a picture of you? I miss you:(
Me: i thought i already told you that i hate taking picture?
Harry: its been four days since last time i saw you:(
Me: fine, but you send it first bcs i miss you more xx
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