Part 16: packing.

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"Staaay" i whined, i know that anne's want him to be home soon but i really want to cuddle with my boyfriend

It felt nice to call him boyfriend, my boyfriend. "Why dont you stay with me instead?" He asked

"First your mom will definitely freaked out if she saw me there, second" i paused as i lean to his ear "im home alone" i whispered, sending shiver all over his body. Hmm maybe i have this effect on him and i love it.

"Home alone? Sounds tempting" harry smirk making me laugh "fine i'll stay the night but tomorrow you help me pack okay?"

"Yes sir!" I smile, i never felt this happy since forever.

"Wait i want to open your present first" harry said as he grab my present on back sit, i hope he likes it. He open the present and his mouth dropped "babe how much is it cost?"

"Thats for me to know and for you to never find out, do you like it?" I asked as i kiss his cheek

"Like it? I love it babe. Thankyou" im glad that he likes it, because if he dont i probably be pissed.

Both me and harry walk inside i heard someone moan from the kitchen, oh my fucking god my brother/sister better not fucking on the kitchen counter there's where i usually eat my breakfast! "Do you want me to check that out?" Harry asked

"No just lets go upstairs"

"I thought you said you're home alone" harry said as we get inside my room, i shrugged

"They supposed to be in their dorm" i pulled out my phone and text my brother and sister

Me, Serena Clark, Kyle Clark

Me: which one of you fucking on the kitchen?

Kyle: ew serena thats where we eat our breakfast! You better clean it up

Me: she better be

I get up from my bed, harry just look at me "where are you going?" Harry frowned, i dont even bother to answer i walk to kyle's room and grab sweatpants and some shirt

"Here you know where the bathroom is, we have a couple new toothbrush under the sink just grab it yourself" i said, harry nodded and walk out. I grab my short and t shirt, i clean all my makeup and put masker on

"Holy shit!" Harry said as he walk in "you scared me" i want to laugh at his face but i cant, its so funny you should see his expression

"Do you want to do?" I asked sitting next to harry

"I want to do you" ugh since when he became so cheeky oh my god, i rolled my eyes and turn on my tv.


"How long are you staying again?" I asked as i fold harry's shirt and put it on his suitcase

"A week, dont miss me too much babe" harry grinned, i hummed. A week without harry how would that feels like? Surely i'll feel lonely since im with harry 24/7.

"Babe can i asked you something?" I asked, i swear im so curious about what happend with his last relationship this curiosity eating me alive


"What happend with your last relationship?" I asked, harry sighed as he sit next to me

"So i have this girlfriend i really really love her, she's my first love i know it sounds really stupid to be in love when i was only 16 years old but i did i fell hard for her" oh my god what did she do?? "So one day she told me she was sick, me being a good boyfriend i decided to go to her place and bring her soup. I knock on her door but she doesnt open it, when i open the door its not lock and make me worry about her. When i get into her bedroom turn out she's too busy doing my best friend"

Oh my god we have a really similar background story our boyfriend/girlfriend cheating on us with our best friend. "Since then im just scared to fall for someone else thats why i build a wall around me, it surprised me that you can break the wall" he wink making me giggle, oh my god how come he turn the sad story to this

"Well im glad i did because you're mine now" i said as i kiss him, he cupped my face pressing his lips harder as he slips his tongue in

"Fuck" he muttered against i cant help but smile by his reaction, his lips found their way to my neck he suck it harshly i couldn't help but moan

Then suddenly someone knocks on harry's door, harry quickly get off me and open the door

Its official gemma is a cockblocker

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