Part 20: im not going anywhere

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Me and harry kinda distant for this past few days, i dont even know why he wont text me back or avoiding me at school. i dont rlly care anymore, beside its good because i need space so i can move on from him.

"Whats going on between you and harry anyway?" Leah asked, i just shrugged. I really dont know the answer to that question, should i talk to him? No no he ignored me why cant i just ignore him back??

"I dont know to be honest, do you want to go out? Im really not in the mood for sitting around in my room"

"Yeah lets go, do you want to split car or?"

"Lets just go with your car i can ask dad driver to pick me up later" i said as i grab my phone and wallet, i only wear t shirt and short pants i dont even feel like dressing up today

"Sometimes i forgot you are rich" leah rolled her eyes "i heard there's new sushi place at the groove do you want to try it?"

"Yeah sure" i told my mom and dad that im going out, i ask dad if his driver can pick me up later and he said yes. Sometimes i hate the fact that im rich because thats mean my parents wont be around, like they always go in and out. Speaking about in and out i want in and out so bad.

"Isn't that Candice?" I said as i saw a girl holding so much shopping bag, she must be loaded i mean look at those shopping back Chanel, gucci, ysl.

"Shopping spree?" Leah said as we walk to candice,

"Yeah my dad just transferred me the money"

"Its funny how we cousin but i never see your father around like literally never" well i guess her dad and my dad similar since my dad never around too, yet he always transfer some money for me to go shopping

"Well he's very busy man, maybe if he got home from works you can me-"

"Harry?" I said as i saw harry and louis walking together "you've been ignoring me" i frowned

"I dont mean too baby im sorry" harry said as he lean in "i gotta go but i'll come over later what do you think?"

"Sure beside mom is been dying to meet you. Wait before you go i want you to meet candice, she's leah cousin that i told you about a couple days ago" i smile and harry nodded "candice this is my boyfriend harry, harry this is candice" ahh it felt so good to call him my boyfriend like really really good.

"Uh its nice to meet you, i'll see you later yeah?" Harry said and I nodded. Where is he going anyway? He seems in a rush weird

"So that's your boyfriend?" I nodded


"Moom harry coming for dinner" i said as i sit next to my mom who's watching some movie

"Who's harry?" My dad asked, right my dad doesn't know that i have a boyfriend.

"Its her boyfriend, i'll tell serena and kyle to be home. So we all can have dinner with harry and james be nice to her boyfriend he's really important to her" my mom said as she getting up and walk to kitchen, i feel my phone buzzing

Harry: what should i bring?

Me: just bring yourself xx

Harry: im not coming over empty handed i want a good first impression

I couldnt help but smile thinking about harry meeting my family for the first time, i wonder if he's as nervous as i am meeting his family for the first time. I took a shower and get ready for dinner? What i just want to look nice for my boyfriend.


"I told you, you dont have to bring anything" i said as harry hand me a box of chocolate cake

"Well i told you im not coming empty handed" he smile, gosh he look so beautiful i want to squeeze his face right now

"Come in, im gonna put this first" i said as i walk to the kitchen and see my mom who's making lasagna which is my favorite food "moom harry brought this where do you want me to put it?" I asked

"Just put it there, i'll call you when the dinner ready" i nodded, i walk back to harry who's laughing with my dad they seems get along well which is a relief

"I like him" my dad said as i join them making both me and harry smiling

"Well i like him too dad, do you mind if we go upstairs?" I asked, my dad shook his head and told us no funny business.

"I cant wait to meet your mom, i hope she show me your baby picture" harry smirk as we walk inside my room, even though we seems drifted apart seems like we find our way back to each other

"you wish harry, you wish" i said as i lean my head on his shoulder "i miss you harry so much it hurts, you've been so close yet so far lately it making me sad" i mumble

"hey baby look at me" he said as he cupped my face making me look at him in the eyes "im sorry if i make you feel that way but im here baby, im here right beside you and im not going anywhere. so dont be sad, it breaks my heart that im the reason you're sad" he frown i couldnt help to lean in and kiss him, our kiss is needy and full love passion.

"you can tell anything you know that right?" i said as we pulled away and harry nodded.


the dinner went so good my mom and dad seems like they love harry. the worst part of the dinner is when my mom shows harry my baby picture which is really embarrassing but its all good now. i hope it will always be like this

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