Part 11: Keyword is try

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"How's your day?" Harry asked as i get out of the class, he always wait for me outside the door on the last period. Everyone seems thinking we're back together when in the reality we're not we dont hold hands, kiss, act lovely dovey on each other.

"Ugh i just want to go home" i groan as i walk to my locker and grab my backpack, harry walks me to my car "bye" he just nodded and i drove away

Sometimes i feel like i need to get away from harry so i can move on, like how can i move on when he's right here all the damn time. Or maybe i should go on a date with someone give it a try, yes the keyword is try. Then suddenly my phone start ringing its niall he's been texting me non stop, i pick it up and put it on speaker

"Maddie?" Niall said over the speaker

"Yeah, whats up?" I asked

"I was wondering if you want to go on a date with me" the keyword is try

"Yeah sure, when?" I asked, i hope i dont pick a wrong decision. I mean niall is a great guy after all.

"Tonight? We can go dinner and watch movie" i nodded wait he cant even see me

"Yeah sure" i smile

"Okay i'll pick you up at 7?"

"Yeah" we both say our goodbye and hung up i hope im not gonna regret this decision, i hope i can get over harry really soon. We better off stay friends anyway, he's such a great company.

Wait but if you want to forget harry you cant go jump to another boy, you only break his feeling this is not right maybe i should just cancel? Yeah i should cancel im not planning to break niall's heart. No you dont one date wont hurt.

As soon as i get home i quickly walk to my bedroom and find outfit to wear tonight, what to wear what to wear. Then suddenly my phone ring i pick it up without bothering to see who the caller id is "hello?" I said

"Hey are you up for movie night tonight?" I heard harry husky voice

"I cant im going on date with niall tonight"

"Oh okay, i'll text you later yeah?" Before i said anything the call already ended when i try to call him back seems like he's already talking to someone.


"You look stunning" niall said as he hand me red roses

"Thankyou, do you mind if you wait here for a minute im gonna out this roses first" niall nodded, i walk inside put the flower in the vase.

I walk back to Niall who's standing outside i feel bad that i dont even bother to tell him to get inside "ready to go?" Niall asked

"Yeah" the drive is pretty much quiet but its not like awkward silence, both me and niall try to make a conversation but its make me realize that we dont have anything to talk about.

Niall parked his car the restaurant is not as fancy as the one harry take me on our first 'fake' date, but it seems nice. "Table for two" niall said to the receptionist

"Please follow me sir" both me and niall take a sit, she handed us the menu. Im scanning the menu thinking about what i should get burger with curly fries really sounds good but i also want fish and chips i feel torn

"are you ready to order?" The waiter said as she approached to us, niall look at me and i nodded

"Um yeah i want fish and chips uh i also want coke" i said

"I want mac and cheese, and coke please"

"Okay let me repeat the order one fish and chips, one mac and cheese, and two cokes? Do you want anything else?" The waiter asked, shook my head. She left both me and niall alone.

When me and niall talking about school and college i saw a familiar curly hair walk in, did he follow me here or it just a coincidence i saw zayn and leah who's behind him "what do you think about that?" Niall said, shit i dont even listen to anything that he said.

"Here's your order" god bless this waiter, she put down our foods and our drinks it looks good.

After both me and niall finished our food i excuse myself to go to the bathroom, i quickly pulled out my phone and text harry

Me: meet me in front of the bathroom now!

Later i found harry walking to me, he looks so good fuck "arent you on a date? Do you need some help to get away from him?" I rolled my eyes

"What are you doing here harry?" I go straight to the point there's no use making small talk right now "you're not following me right?" I raised my eyebrows

"What? Of course not"

"Okay i have to go back to my date, bye harry" i said leaving him alone in the hall way, when i get to my sit i saw Niall who's playing with his phone

"Harry is here" he mumbled, uh? I guess he notice him when he walk to the bathroom room. Should i play dumb? Yeah just play dumb

"Really? Where?" I asked, hoping he'll buy this

He shrugged "maybe in the bathroom i saw him walking there a couple minutes ago, i want to ask you a question" uhuh here we go. "What's your relationship with harry?"

"We're friends i guess" I shrugged

"You guess?" He raised his eyebrows, yeah we're friends right? I do like him but apparently he doesnt feel the same

"Yeah we're friends"

"Its really rare that someone who date can be friends again" thats a thing niall i dont want to be friends with harry but he friend zoned i thought to myself

"Can we not talk about him right now?" The point of this date is to forget harry yet here we are talking about which really annoyed the shit outta me.

Niall asked for the bill, i want to pay but he insist because its a date. We walk out the restaurant, harry is not here anymore neither is leah or zayn. "Are you still up for movie?" Niall asked, i look to watch its still 8:40

"Yeah sure" when i get inside niall's car i turn on the radio and baby blue eyes playing. Aah memories, good time.


"The movie is really great" i said as we walk outside

"Yeah its kinda cliché tho-" he stopped when he saw harry, leah and zayn standing outside talking to each other, hu? Are they following us or its just coincidence? "Please dont tell me your ex been following us" niall groan

"Um i think its just coincidence? Beside we dont even see them when we walk out the restaurant" niall nodded, he intertwined our hand as we walk to his car. His hand doesn't fit perfectly like harry's hand but- oh my god you need to stop thinking about him, he doesnt like you like that.

When Niall dropped me off i learn my lesson for today, im not ready to jump to another boy if harry still in my head.

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