Don't Let me go

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I walked down to where I think Hal would be. He usually hangs out where the butchery was as I see Scarlett resting upon some boxes looking down as she sighs. I his behind some boxes as I hear their conversation. "I can't believe she did that to us, especially to Harry." Scarlett hissed out as Hal nods. Sheren however shook his head. "Remember Jay was there, and you know what he did when he left her. But when he came back yesterday, that must have struck a nerve in her. Maybe she still loved him" he says was I shook my head.

Do they really think I went with them for Jay. Yes I did miss him at one point, but I didn't do what I did for Jay. I did it for Mal. She was not supposed to be here or Ben. I told my self as I hear Hal speak up.

"Well she should have brought us with her, and not leave us here in the slums." Hal growled as I rolled my eyes and looked through my bag where I had put the letters for them. Along with Harry's. I then flicked them towards the owners of the letters. Each letter hit the center of the head as Hal grabbed the letter. "What the-" before he can finish I spoke up.

"You really think I left for Jay!" I yelled as they turned to me and jumped. "Saden! Why are you back?" Scarlett looked up from her letter as I raised my eyebrow. "Because I decided why not deliver those myself. I also got one for Harry, but I have to know where he his though," i say as Sheren answers. "Last time I saw him he was near the Alley ways causing more trouble then he already does." He says as I nod and start to walk off. "Oh yeah and guys," I stopped and said over my shoulder. "Keep your mouth shut, before I hurt you all." I hissed as they cowered back.

I walked down the alley way as I peered around and only saw kids and homeless sidekicks. I kept walking down as I look around the corner only to spot the familiar red sleeveless leather jacket. I felt my heart drop as I grip my maroon dress and closed my eyes tightly before following a few meters behind him. I then stopped and his behind a hill of bags as Harry turned around thinking someone was following him but shrugged as goes into an old warehouse. I followed him inside as he disappeared as I started to sing softly.

"Love that once hung on the wall
Used to mean something, but now it means nothing
The echoes are gone in the hall
But I still remember, the pain of December" I walked deeper into the warehouse as my voice echoed through the walls and I continue to walk around each pillar singing as I felt eyes on my back.

"Oh, there isn't one thing left you could say
I'm sorry it's too late

I'm breaking free from these memories
Gotta let it go, just let it go
I've said goodbye
Set it all on fire
Gotta let it go, just let it go" I walked around as I hear creaks up above as I glanced up to see the piercing silver eyes. The ones that I fell in love with as he started to sing out to me.

"You came back to find I was gone
And that place is empty, like the hole that was left in me
Like we were nothing at all
It's not that you meant to me
Thought we were meant to be

Oh, there isn't one thing left you could say
I'm sorry it's too late" he turned his back and walked down the stairway as I ran over and stopped him from going down and I started to make my way up.

"I'm breaking free from these memories
Gotta let it go, just let it go
I've said goodbye
Set it all on fire
Gotta let it go, just let it go" we both sang out as he got to the top and stopped where he was originally at as he gripped onto the railing his hook now hanging off his belt as he stared at me with sad and angered eyes. I could tell I hurt him so much as my own tears spilled down.

"I let it go," I took one step toward as he stood still before hesitantly taking a step forward
"(and now I know)" he sang as he took another step forward and watched as I took one step forward as well.
'A brand new life, "
"(down this road)"
"Where it's right,"
"(you always know)"
"So this time,"
"(I won't let go)" we were now inches apart as I could feel his breath on my lips as I kept letting the tears flow down as he stared down at me.

"There's only one thing left here to say
Love's never too late" I sung out as he wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly and sung with unison with my voice.

"I've broken free from these memories
I've let it go, I've let it go
And two goodbyes, lend you this new life
Don't let me go, don't let me go"

"Don't let me go, don't let me go, don't let me go" I yelled out as he kept holding me tighter and tighter as I wrapped my shaking arms around him and started to cry as I whispered to him.

"Won't let you go, don't let me go
Won't let you go, don't let me go
Won't let you go, don't let me go
Won't let you go, don't let me go"

He pulled away as he grabbed my chin and pulled me forward as he smashed his lips against mine. It felt as if he was longing and thought I was going to disappear under his touch. But I put my hands against his white torn up shirt and crumpled part of of in my hands as he pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine. He huffed and stared up at my own silver eyes. "Don't you ever leave me...." He growled and grabbed my wrists. "Your mine, all this" he gestured to my head and toes. "That's all mine!" He growls as I nod.

"Harry...." I started to speak as he hummed. "Here," I hand him a golden parchment letter as he looked at it and stared at the cursive writing. "I asked Ben to make a letter for you. I know you would turn it down if it was given from one of his servants, so I wanted to give it myself. I was given one too" I explained as his grip tightened around the letter and looked at me.

"Did you leave because of him?" He asks as I shook my head to his answer. "I left because I wanted to help them, I knew what Mal was capable of. But I didnt want to leave and when I looked at you that day. I cried. I cried like that was my death I was heading into." I explained as my voice cracked. " But then I saw Uma and told me to come back and show you the love that I never let go of. The love I had for Jay died after he left, but I'm not letting mine die this time." I say as he held me close.

"Then I'm going, I'm not letting you slip away from me ever again" he whispers into my ear as I nod and grabbed the collar of his jacket and pulled him down as I kissed him long and hard. "Don't let me go," I say against his lips as he smirks.


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