Chapter Seven

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Chapter Beta: Sakura's Unicorn



With Sakura's continued treatments, Itachi is soon at the point where he can receive visitors for longer periods of time. To make the most of it and to offer a show of strength, he asks Sasuke to convene a meeting one morning with his remaining advisors.

The war council of the Uchiha is a different sort from ages past; time and bloodshed have robbed them of the traditional council of twelve; these days, they settle for barely more than half that number.

The last member of their father's council, Yakumi, sits at attention beside Shisui and Obito, frowning at the younger men in disapproval. Obito's grandmother, Masumi, the oldest living Uchiha, sits beside Uruchi, Itachi and Sasuke's maternal aunt. Their Uncle Teyaki once joined them here, but his mind has left him in his old age and, as such, he's often left with an attendant. Finally, there's Itachi's mother-in-law, Hazuki, who's sat in since the death of her husband.

She peers worriedly at Itachi. "Are you well, my son? It's been so long since we've seen you, and I worry about your pallor."

"The healers assure me that I'll be back to normal soon," Itachi says, waving dismissively. Only Sasuke knows the effort he puts into the gesture.

They've continued circulating the story throughout camp that Itachi is fighting a stubborn strain of pneumonia. Given the poor battlefield conditions and the general stress of his position, it's entirely plausible, and even medics sometimes have difficulty with the disease. Many a common soldier has succumbed to it over the years.

"Healers?" Yakumi echoes. "None of our camp healers have been in to see you for weeks."

"One hopes it's because they are seeing to the men," Itachi says in a way that isn't really an answer to the old man's unasked question. "Let us return to the matter at hand. My brother assures me that the latest conscription efforts have been successful, and there are more than enough recruits at the ready should there be an imminent attack. Yet, the same cannot be said for our supply situation."

"Another eight months to a year, at most, barring unforeseen circumstances," Sasuke elaborates.

"There's a village to the southwest offering supplies in return for manpower," Yakumi says. "Enough to keep us going for another six years if necessary."

"You speak of Oto, yes?" Itachi asks, glancing at Sasuke in confirmation; he nods. "Then, no."

"But Itachi-sama—"

"Orochimaru betrayed the Senju to form his little mercenary state. There's no reason he wouldn't think to do the same to the Uchiha. His purposes are his own, separate from ours."

"Then the army will starve!"

"If our army is starving, you can be sure that the Senju army is as well," Shisui interrupts. "My people report that they face the same concerns over supplies and rations that we do."

"So, it's a long-game—who can outlive the other in the face of starvation," Obito says, grim.

"Or perhaps it's the opposite," Itachi suggests. "If we bring this war to an end then both sides will be able to focus on survival, and our children and their children will not have to die."

There's almost a palpable collective sigh. It's not the first time Itachi has expressed interest in armistice with the Senju, but given the unsuccessful nature of past attempts, everyone reacts with the same weary exasperation.

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