Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Beta: None beyond my own two eyes and at the moment. Since I'm finishing the fic this week, I'd say all edits will be forthcoming within the next few weeks as my beta has time to look through everything.

AN: Welp. We're nearing the end. One more chapter and possibly an epilogue to go.


Sasuke wakes to the smell of antiseptic in the air and the sound of hushed voices. Somewhere to his left, Naruto's chakra is calm and familiar, yet a sense of surprise and dismay washes over him.

"You idiot," he rasps. His voice is raw and gravelly, and it hurts to talk. "You were supposed to kill me."

"Well, I gave it my level best," the other man says dryly, "but a certain healer we both know had a more convincing argument. I happen to like my head where it is."

Sasuke opens his eyes—and he can see again and inclines his head to the left. It hurts more than he likes but he fixes the blond man with a glare. Naruto sits beside him, face covered in bandages but smirking at him nonetheless. It irritates him.

"I was meant to die," Sasuke slowly, as if talking to a particularly stupid child. "If I live, it makes it possible for the war to continue. You've allowed sentiment to jeopardise that. I thought you understood."

"Oh, I understood," Naruto mutters. "I thought it was stupid, but I understood. Everything with you Uchiha is death and sacrifice and drama..." He waves dismissively. "You got what you wanted—the world saw me kick your ass. And then they saw Sakura show up and save it."

Sasuke can't find his voice at this, and can only stare at Naruto in surprise.

"Mm-hmm," the other man nods. "The people were calling for your death, and she stepped in and said that peace should not be begin with the spilling more blood. That you'll be tried for your crimes, and an appropriate—and useful—punishment will be found for you."

Sasuke frowns in thought.

Exile or hard labour, most likely.

He stares up at the ceiling of the large tent overhead; in the distance, he can still hear the sound of rushing water. He thinks they must have set the tent up around him, which means his condition was serious if he couldn't even be moved. And yet...

It doesn't escape his notice that a certain individual is conspicuously absent. He wonders if he might have dreamed her presence before he passed out for the last time.

He has to stop himself from asking about her. Instead, he wonders, "Why can I see?"

"While she was healing you, Sakura found out you had the same thing as Itachi," Naruto tells him. "But she knew what to do this time. And she had Tsunade-baachan and Rin helping. I'm still healing so I wasn't much help." He indicates the bandages on his face. "It's a good thing she did heal you, because she found something in the process. Something about the nerves attached to your Sharingan putting pressure on part of your brain. The part that's responsible for decision-making and rational thought. So basically, you were batshit crazy, but it wasn't your fault." He snorts. "Maybe that's why you came up with such an extreme plan...oi! Sasuke! Are you listening to me at all?"

"Where is she?" Sasuke returns, finally losing the fight against asking.

Naruto's open expression turns troubled for an instant, and then he beams. "Well, you can't really expect her to hang around for something stupid like you, right? I mean, eyes aside, you heal pretty fast. And there's a lot of legal stuff that needs doing that she's responsible for now. You know she was made Tsunade-baachan's heir a few weeks after the conclave disaster."

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