Chapter Ten

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Chapter Beta: None beyond my own two eyes and editing software at the moment



Sasuke doesn't approach his brother right away, instead seeking advice from Kakashi about what to do. Although the man feels protective of both Uchiha brothers, he can also see the grander picture in a way Sasuke has not yet learned to.

When Sasuke questions the wisdom in suggesting Sakura's potential cure, especially in the wake of Shisui's death, Kakashi sighs

"You know you must inform him of this. And respect whatever he wishes, no matter your own reservations."

A part of Sasuke wishes Kakashi had told him to keep silent though he isn't sure if it's for Itachi's peace of mind or his own.

It's another day of weighing his options before Sasuke finally broaches the matter. He enters Itachi's quarters, expecting him to be sitting in quiet, grief-fuelled reflection, only to stumble upon him putting on his armour.

"What are you doing?" he demands as his brother adjusts his cuirass.

"What I should have been doing all these long months," Itachi replies neutrally. "Leading my people."

"You're supposed to be resting. If you push yourself, you could have another fit and—"

"It doesn't matter," Itachi interrupts. "This war will never end. We're all destined to die anyhow."

"You think Shisui would be happy about you just giving up just because he died?"

Itachi's eyes flash in irritation. "Have a care, little brother. I won't tolerate his name used in the manner you intend."

"Only because you know he'd tell you not to be a coward."

"I fail to see how giving up my life to protect our people is cowardly. It's a far better outcome than wasting away in a bed," Itachi maintains stubbornly, and then sighs. "I've allowed myself to put it off too long."

The hopelessness in his brother's voice angers him.

"Put what off?" Sasuke demands. "Your death? If that was your end goal why the hell did you let Sakura and I try to save you these past months?" Itachi is silent, and Sasuke stalks forward, furious. He grabs his brother's armour and pulls it off; it's a mark of how weak Itachi is that he doesn't have the strength to stop him. "You're not just giving up. You're too important to this damned peace everyone wants so badly. If you're not there, what's the point."


"We might have a cure," Sasuke cuts him off before he can think of better phrasing. Itachi stills and raises an expectant eyebrow. "Maybe...but it comes at a cost."

"These things usually do," his brother replies dryly, but allows Sasuke to lead him back to his bed to sit. As he helps him remove his armour, Sasuke hurriedly explains what Sakura has found and the technique she is proposing. His brother listens with a neutral expression the entire time, betraying none of his thoughts as Sasuke confesses the caveat of the plan working and Sakura's true identity.

"I've known who she is all along," Itachi tells him wearily when he finishes. In happier times, there would be amusement in his voice, but now he simply sounds tired. "She is the most competent healer I've ever known—more so even than Tsunade-hime, I suspect. Besides," He manages a wan smile here, "I said it was impossible to forget eyes like that."

"And you still allowed her to treat you," Sasuke says, disbelieving.

"I said before that you have immense trust in her if you were to ask her help. If you trust her, I trust her," his brother says. "There are good men and women on both sides of this war. Why do you think I've tried so hard to end it? And that was long before your feelings for a comely woman entered into it."

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