Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Beta: None besides my own eyes. I'll go through the spellchecker at some other point. I'm just kind of eager to get this finished. So don't be surprised if you come back in a week or two to reread (assuming you intend to reread) and find a bunch of grammar stuff changed.


"And it will go down in history that the infamous warlord, Uchiha Sasuke, survived single combat with the jinchuriki Uzumaki Naruto...only to faint during peace talks at the thought of impending fatherhood," Kakashi intones with false solemnity.

He is far more amused than is appropriate.

Or necessary.

The members of the main families crowd together in a smaller tent, away from the eyes of their vassals and other witnesses. Based on what Naruto told him upon his waking (while mocking him with unconcealed glee), they have been given an hour's grace while the main families try to decide how to come to terms with the news Sakura has brought them, and while Mifune attempts to calm the rest of the clans.

That's easier for some than others.

"What is the meaning of this?" Hyūga Hiashi demands, glaring thunderously down at Sasuke. "Is this some plot to undermine the agreements we have made?"

As if the man didn't abscond with his entire clan, Sasuke can't help thinking. There is a dim, almost manic hint of amusement to the notion.

"I would say those agreements were null and voided when I first came here," Hinata speaks up, quietly but firmly. "This only furthers our need for new accords."

"Daughter –"

"Hey, it might not even be yours," Suigetsu suggests, peering over Sasuke's shoulder to stare at the baby.

"What the hell's that supposed to mean?" Naruto interrupts, obviously insulted and defensive on Sakura's behalf.

"Are you seriously that blind?" his redheaded cousin demands, uncaring of protocol as she slaps Suigetsu upside the head. His head explodes into a spray of water.


Sakura motions for them all to be quiet, and in a crisp voice says, "I don't appreciate the insinuation. If there are serious questions about her parentage, a simple blood test would –"


Everyone pauses and glances at Sasuke, as this is the first time he has spoken since he returned to consciousness.

"There is no question," he continues, in a stronger tone. "Sakura would not lie about this. Especially after everything. Besides, this child..." His gaze falls upon the infant again, and he swallows thickly. "She has inherited my eyes."

This appears to effectively silence everyone for a moment, before another round of questions and demands starts up, far too many to answer all at once. Sasuke feels more uncomfortable at this attention than he was earlier, when he was facing possible imprisonment or exile.

Which I might still be, he thinks dimly.

Sakura is trying to answer questions and soothe insulted egos and pacify demands about their affair, while Naruto and Kakashi try to help. Words like 'treason', 'dishonour' and 'collusion' are thrown about. Sasuke knows he should be speaking up, but his brain appears to have stalled as he gazes upon the baby.


It's eventually Suigetsu and Obito who cut through the tension of the assembly with their usual blunt disregard for propriety.

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