Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Beta: None beyond my own two eyes and at the moment. Since I'm finishing the fic this week, I'd say all edits will be forthcoming within the next few weeks as my beta has time to look through everything.

AN: It's a bit of a time-skip chapter, but to be honest, the big dramatic confrontation was last chapter. This is sort of the mandatory dark moment, gearing up to the climax of the story chapter...


Sasuke spends a day confined to his bed as Rin does her best to heal the injuries he sustained in his fight with Sakura. She doesn't speak to him, instead exuding a judgemental, angry silence that says volumes; Obito has no such qualms.

His older cousin rages at him without end, insulting and castigating and threatening him with violence.

Sasuke tunes it all out, lost in his own thoughts.

His fury has calmed somewhat, enough to offer him a shred of perspective. He can admit to himself that the accusations he made to Sakura were wild and likely unfounded—from the logistical standpoint, malicious deception is not in her nature— but her refusal to stand beside him hurt more than he would like.

It was the final clue that their ill-fated affair could not continue.

He doesn't regret the confrontation; it was necessary. He can't afford to see her as his lover any longer, not if he is to succeed in his endeavours.

Because Danzō, for all his spite and vitriol, was right.

Both can't exist at the same time.

As soon as he has the strength to dismiss Rin and her healings, Sasuke calls together a session of all the remaining vassal clans and Uchiha allies, the infantry and camp-followers. Standing above everybody else and imparting his will is not the station he was prepared for as a child, but he commits himself to it now.

He is quiet as everyone takes their place before him, the air crackling with unease; there's barely any talking, and even that peters out as he stands before them and begins to speak.

"We have all been fools, allowing this war to continue as long as it has," he tells coolly. "Misguided notions of seamless harmony. Rivalries across the lines which become friendships but never translate to change. It has dragged this conflict out over the generations." He waits for this to sink in and then continues. "We have become complacent in this battle, and because of that we have lost much. This will end." He searches out his cousin's face in the crowd and adds quietly, "The path to peace is never smooth. Sometimes what is necessary doesn't always keep our hands clean."

Obito's scarred face morphs into an expression of incredulity.

"To end this war, there will be no rest or respite. No mercy. No quarter for traitors," Sasuke continues. "Our purpose must be to not only bring about the end of the bloodshed, but to replace the system with one that will prevent it from happening again. Even if we must fight to the last man. We will bring this land under one authority, and we will do so as one unit. Now is now a time for division or dissent. Inabi."

He addresses his other cousin, who has been sharing significant glances with his cronies in the corner, and indicates that he come forward. Frowning at the address, Inabi complies, stepping to the front of the assembly.

"From the beginning, you have been a staunch enemy of the Senju," Sasuke tells him. "You have fought against them with the same ferocity of our ancestors, and they would no doubt be proud." Inabi smirks at this, eyes gleaming at the acknowledgement. "This is the world you have fought for—the goal of the utter destruction of the Senju and the Uzumaki. There is no one as determined in the pursuit of this as you."

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