Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Beta: None. I am exhausted from writing this and so just posted it for you guys to see. As usual, I'll edit it myself and with help from ProWriting Aid tomorrow, and then I'll send it off to my beta. Sooooo tired, I feel like I went through the procedure myself!

Author's Note: I am not a doctor, I know nothing about biology, everything I know comes from Grey's Anatomy and a copious amount of internet research. So anything that doesn't make's ninja magic, okay? Also, a reminder that the abilities in this fic are not perfectly compliant with canon abilities and possibly don't follow the same logic. It's an AU, I claim creative license :P



Following Sakura into the cloth enclosure she has set up, Sasuke sees that several wards have been drawn on the ground in a circle. The symbols resemble chakra seals, but he has never seen these before.

"It's to limit the number of foreign germs and bacteria in the clean area," she explains when she notices his gaze. "Obviously it's not as effective as an actual operating room, but it will have to do tonight." She offers an impish grin. "It's similar to what Mito-sama might have used, so at least we're in keeping with tradition."

"Hopefully not too much in keeping," Tenzō remarks blandly.

Sasuke frowns at him, still not entirely convinced of the importance of his presence here. "Why exactly is he necessary for keeping the jinchūriki safe?"

"You don't have to talk about me like I'm not here," Naruto mutters.

Sasuke shoots him a pointed look. "Having a demon inside you should make you the least likely person here to come to harm."

"The Kyūbi that was sealed within me spent its entire existence hated and feared by men, exploited and used for its power," Naruto explains sombrely. "It's taken at least two generations for it to even consider trusting me enough to lend me chakra when I need it. Even then, it's sometimes too much for me and I lose control."

"If that should happen, Yamato-taichō will stop it," Sakura concludes.

Sasuke narrows his eyes. "And does this loss of control happen often?"

"Not as much as when I was a kid," Naruto says with a small chuckle, rubbing the back of his head ruefully.

Itachi and Sasuke exchange wary glances. Sakura notices this, and scoffs. "It doesn't matter. Naruto is only insurance – I'm the one expending chakra here, not him. You were worried about the safety of this, and I've provided at least two fail safes – if that doesn't make you worry less, then there's not point to us being here tonight."

A challenge rings in her words.

"You're right, Sakura-san," Itachi says, tone coolly polite. "We have already risked much to meet tonight, it would be a pointless exercise if we didn't continue with it."

She raises an eyebrow at Sasuke, as if to ask if he's satisfied, and he nods.

Looking validated, Sakura brusquely orders Itachi and Sasuke to disrobe and lie on the pallets that she has prepared for them. While they do that, she tells the woman – Ayame, Sasuke recalls – to fetch her several buckets of water and her father Teuchi to stoke up the fire.

"This is a minimally invasive procedure, but we are disposing of deadened cells. They'll have to be destroyed as soon as I extract them," Sakura explains to them. "I'll do my best not to come in direct contact with any genetic material, but if I'm unable to avoid it, may I have your permission to handle your blood?"

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