Chapter Eight

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Chapter Beta: Sakura's Unicorn

Author's Note: The short nature of this chapter is due to omission of mature scenes, which have been cut to comply with content guidelines. The uncut versions can be found on AO3 and tumblr.



His thoughts consume him all the way back to camp, even as his men laugh and bluster after their skirmish. They praise Sasuke's fervour against the Uzumaki leader and boast that, if there hadn't been interference, he would've destroyed him.

Sasuke barely hears them, his mind on Sakura and the information she never disclosed to him. He finds that he's angry, but is unsure whether more of it's directed at her for deception or toward himself for naivety. It puts him in a black mood for the next few days, persisting late into the night when he and Sakura have agreed to meet next.

The shore beside their rendezvous point is deserted as ever, the cave itself cloaked by illusion. Sakura is extraordinarily adept at genjutsu for someone without a Sharingan, so much so that she can manage a multi-layered mirage that masks even scent and sound. Unless he was aware of the cave beforehand, he wouldn't even think to look for it.

When he strides inside, he sees that she's already built up a fire in the cramped space and is huddled close to it. There's a thick cloak around her shoulder and a large scroll in an obscure language clutched in her hands. When she notices, she jumps to her feet with a welcoming smile, scroll forgotten and eyes bright.

"You're betrothed to Uzumaki Naruto," Sasuke says without bothering to greet her.

Sakura startles, obviously having not expected this. Then in a slow, confused voice, she points out, "And you're betrothed to Hyūga Hinata."

Sasuke blinks because this is neither a denial nor an admission, and he expected one or the other. Wrongfooted, he tries to rally. "You're betraying the one you're intended for with his enemy."

"Are you any better?" she retorts, getting to her feet to meet his gaze.

"It's not the same."

"How? Or are you about to make some hypocritical argument about my apparent lack of freedom to make my own choices? You're as confined to duty as I am."

Sasuke grits his teeth. "It's different."

"How?" she challenges. "Because she's from a noble clan? And your duty to marry her for the sake of some old treaties is more important than what's expected of a lowly civilian?"

He's never heard her voice so sarcastic; her low birth is a sore point for her, and so they've never really discussed it.

"No. Because I don't have the history with Hinata as you do with him."

"And whose fault is that?" she prompts. "How many years have you had to become familiar this woman, and you never showed any interest. I bet you barely have any even now while you're picking this fight."

"I am not picking a fight," he insists hotly.

"It seems like you are."

He glares.

"Before Naruto and I were ever...expected to become more, we grew up as friends," Sakura reminds him. "And when I found out that I would marry him, was a lot better than what I thought I might end up with." Her voice gets steadily angrier. "You, at least, have the option to say no. At any time, you or your brother can point out some...terribly complicated and convoluted dynastic, bloodline-related reason why you shouldn't marry Hinata-hime. The Hyūga will piss and moan for a bit, but at the end of the day, you can get out of it."

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