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Chapter Beta: None besides my own eyes. Editing will be done at a later date. (I'm currently going through my beta's comments on chapter 11, if that gives you any idea of where I'm at)


The treaty between the Senju and the Uchiha is concluded that day, and for the first time in history, the two clans are equally dedicated to its conditions. The accord is already stronger than any other document signed into law, bound by the blood spilled by their leaders and the child that unites the ancient lineages.

Sasuke is required to bend knee to Sakura in a formal acknowledgement of the Senju defeat of the Uchiha, a stipulation which would have made him furious once. He is also expected to offer formal apology to each clan, both of his own allies and former enemies, before renouncing his clan name. His death—though it turned out to be short-lived and only symbolic—signals the end of the Uchiha clan.

He is led from the peace conclave by several guards, led by Neji, who promises to deliver him into his confinement without incident. Once the measure would have been for his guards protection; today it is for Sasuke's.

Later that day, Sakura visits him with Sarada—an occurrence that will repeated over the coming months—and informs him that in solidarity, she has renounced the Senju title.

"Those names are of the past," she tells him, and then snorts. "It looks like our daughter will grow up a civilian like me."

"The soul of a shinobi will not be changed by something so frivolous as a name," he tells her quietly, and they share a look over the head of their daughter.

"You're right."

"And Haruno Sarada...is a much more hopeful name in these circumstances."

Sakura smiles.

Their relationship is far from mended—it might take years—but the love that he can see etched into her features is real. Once he would not have known what that looked like, but now it gives him hope.

Sasuke's trial takes much longer than the peace accords, and by the time the verdict for his crimes is given, Sarada is a year old.

"By the power vested in me by the people of the Land of Fire," Naruto decrees in an official voice that makes him sound ridiculous, "You are hereby sentenced to a one year of exile, to allow the people of this land the time to heal from the lasting wounds you have caused. Should you return, you will serve the people you have wronged until the days when you are no longer physically able. You will build houses for those you have destroyed, and care for the graves of those whose deaths you caused. You will sup with the families of those you have wronged, and care for the children left orphaned by the war." He pauses here, and frowns at some of the members of the tribunal, as if he was not entirely pleased with this next bit. "And though your heirs will not be judged by your actions, you are prohibited from evert holding a position of leadership again, lest you fall into bad habits."

It's far better than Sasuke deserves, but he wisely doesn't say so.

Mostly because Sakura stands by his side, crushing his hand in warning.

She, of course, insists on joining him in his exile, but he convinces her that he needs the year to reflect and redeem his sins without her.

"Besides...it would be safer for our daughter here," he reminds her.

"And if in your reflections you arrive at the conclusion that it's better not to come back?" she asks, worried.

"I would never arrive to that conclusion," he informs her. "Not when my wife and child are here."

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