Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Beta: None besides my own eyes. I'll go through the spellchecker tomorrow or something. You know, when I'm supposed to be preparing for school...heehee.

AN: Just a note on Sakura's abilities...I feel fairly certain that Sakura's healing and regeneration abilities in this AU are so strong as to encompass her entire body and interior systems...and would include any tiny human passengers who may or may not be tagging along for the ride. As such, she can probably take a lot more strain and trauma than a regular woman would be able to take, hence why her previous battle with Danzō didn't result in any lasting damage to her or potential tiny human passenger...


Sword in hand, Sasuke advances on Sakura's still form; electricity forms in the palm of his right. Even unconscious, there's a chance she'll be able to heal herself if he doesn't kill her on the first try. No one truly knows the capabilities of Sōzō saisei except for the woman before him and her accursed teacher.

Sasuke's eyes narrow at the thought of the Senju, and he lunges forward, the electric-charged palm of his hand aimed at Sakura's throat.

A familiar shape appears out of the corner of his eye, and he diverts his course to instead bring up his katana to guard against it. Metal skids against metal as Kakashi frowns at him, catching Sasuke's blade with his own rarely-used sword a moment before it touches him.

"Well, this is the opposite of discreet," he remarks mildly. "You two know people can hear you, right? Not exactly the most opportune time for a quarrel. Although..." His eyes flit to Sakura's still form and back to Sasuke. "I have to point out that using genjutsu to win an argument is probably not the best solution."

Though the words are meant to mimic his usual light humour, there is steel in his tone.

"Leave us," Sasuke orders.

"What are you doing, Sasuke?"

"Removing an obstacle."

"I never thought I would hear you refer to a woman in such a way. Especially not one who has done so much for you."

"Then you don't know me as well as you think. Now move." When Kakashi refuses to budge, Sasuke's Mangekyō Sharingan spins at him in threat. "Do not make me remind you of the feudal duties you have to the Uchiha. I am your lord, you will obey me. My word to you is law."

There's a subtle narrowing of Kakashi's eye.

"I did teach you of the importance of law—that those who break faith are scum," the older man allows quietly. "But I also taught you that those who betray their friends are worse than scum."

"Then it's a good thing I never had the luxury of friends," Sasuke replies, allowing electricity to course through his body and through the place where the weapons touch. He sends such a powerful wave forth, even though Kakashi is also adept with lightning, he is sent crashing to the ground by the current. "This will happen. The Senju must be destroyed, and how better to break their spirits than to eliminate the civilian girl they were foolish enough to entrust with their legacy?"

He turns to Sakura once more, ignoring the way her blank green eyes make his stomach tremble uneasily. He shakes it off, refusing to let her affect him in this moment.

"They sent you to me to betray me, but it seems they handed me a key to winning this war," he tells her, readying his sword. "Just as in the days of old, the war will turn on the meddling of a woman." He smirks. "At least Mito had a demon within her. What are you, now that your strength and healing has been nullified?"

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