Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Beta: None beyond my own two eyes and my writing software.



A week passes, and then another.

Skirmishes between the two sides continue, and Sasuke often finds himself out on the field trying to keep the casualties to a minimum. On his side, Naruto does the same, although twice altercations between their men lead them into trading half-hearted blows.

Well...not exactly half-hearted, Sasuke thinks, wincing at the rather significant bruise across his entire chest from a stray Rasengan.

Whatever Naruto's personal feelings toward Sakura—Sasuke suspects there may once have been more than simple brotherly concern on his part—he is clearly interested in her happiness. The injury was delivered with few choice, overprotective words and a threat regarding the wellbeing of a certain pink-haired medic.

Sakura herself is conspicuously absent during this time, although on the first night of their long separation, a slug summon informs Sasuke that she is fine but recuperating. It makes sense—he has had his own difficulty recovering following Itachi's healing. His chakra reserves are nowhere near their usual level; he can't imagine the convalescence Sakura must now undertake.

It is probably, as she suggested, like what Itachi is experiencing.

While he rests from the stress of his ordeal, Sasuke's brother is watched over by Rin. Whether she knows the specifics of his healing, Sasuke doesn't know, but it wouldn't surprise him if Kakashi and Obito confessed it all to her. There are few secrets between those three.

In the meantime, he and the rest of the unexpected co-conspirators set their plans in motion. While Itachi and his cousin start to meet quietly with those individuals who may be most open to the idea of peace, Kakashi leaves with Inabi and his group. They are so eager to hunt Danzō that they barely question his presence. Several of the Hyūga clan are sent along as well, including Neji. It's a measure to throw off suspicion, and one of protection; despite Kakashi's confidence Itachi doesn't intend to lose his mentor to a kunai in the back.

Meanwhile, Sasuke dutifully visits with the Hyūga elders and broaches the subject of peace negotiations with the Senju and the Uzumaki. He can see that they are somewhat wary, considering he is the one delivering the news instead of Itachi. He can also sense the palpable air of relief that ripples through the assembled clansmen once the suggestion is made. Hinata, standing beside her younger sister, gasps and clasps her hands together, eyes shining with naked hope.

Sasuke wonders if, before all of this, he would have noticed these things.

"This dissolves none of the previous arrangements," Hyūga Hiashi maintains. "The Hyūga and the Uchiha will be united."

Sasuke is careful to keep his expression blank and not betray the minor stab of annoyance and confusion at the rather public reminder. Whatever his personal feelings or situation, it sounds almost as if the Hyūga are suggesting Sasuke's clan would go back on their word. It's a veiled insult that oughtn't be tolerated.

But then he notices the slump in Hinata's shoulders, and the defeated expression she attempts to hide; he realises that it's not him that Hiashi is reminding, but her.

It appears she is not indifferent or complacent about their betrothal the way he originally believed.

And if that's the case, she might be a good ally to have.

"The Uchiha continue to honour their relationship and promises," Sasuke tells the leader of the Hyūga, although he looks to Hinata when he says it. "I will personally do all in my power to ensure the future leaders of the Hyūga and their needs are best served."

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