Chapter 11

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The next day, we all went down to breakfast and then to training together, as we had the day before.

We were split in Half again, the Candor-born initiates training with Tom, the transfers training with Tristan.

And this is how it was for the first two weeks.

'Today, we will be focusing on saying how you feel,' said Tristan, once we had been split into groups. 'In Candor, we always say what we are feeling, because that way, we are always honest with each other.'

'So, basically a bunch of sappy, stupid emotional crap?' Said Kristen, and she, Amy and Alison giggled.

'Basically,' said Tristan mockingly. The three girls stopped giggling. 'Pair up,' said Tristan. Chelsea and I automatically shrieked towards each other. Jade and Leigh went together, as did Nathan and Ross, which left Alison, Amy and Kristen sitting in a three. Tristan walked over to them, and repeated, 'pair up.'

'There aren't any more people,' said Amy.

'Then you'll have to come with me, won't you?'

Nathan and Ross called out, 'Ohhhhhhhhh,' and Amy reluctantly moved towards Tristan. 'Now, I want you to pretend your dog just died,' said Tristan.

Simple enough.

'So, how are you?' Said Chelsea.

'Wait, who's dog died?' I said.

'Umm, yours, I guess.'

'Okay, well I'm fine,' I said.

'Your dog just died, you're not fine.'

'No, actually, I am. I'm allergic to dogs.'

Chelsea rolled her eyes. 'Stubbornness,' She said. 'There should be a faction for the stubborn, because you'd belong there.'

Not another addition to my Divergence...

'Well, my aptitude test said I belong here, didn't it?' I said.

'Then I wonder if stubbornness is a Candor trait.'

Chelsea wasn't very good with the lie-detector thing.

I didn't see how this helped us at all. Nobody was actually talking about dogs dying or being fine or lying.

But I understood how it would help immediately after I thought that.

'Okay, shut up, everyone,' said Tristan. Silence fell immediately. 'Now, Alison. What were you and Kristen talking about?'

'Err, well, if her dog died, she'd be sad, but say she's fine...' Alison trailed off as Tristan's blue eyes bore into hers.

'No,' he said. 'You were talking about how big of a dick I am for getting you to engage in pointless activities like this.'

Kristen and Alison were left speechless.

'Melanie,' he turned to me. 'What were you two saying?'

'We were talking about how I'm allergic to dogs, and that I'd fit into a faction for the stubborn,' I replied.

'Thank you,' said Tristan. 'The entire point of that exercise was to show that people tell small, white lies, or half-truths, to get out of trouble. Here at Candor, you will be left factionless if you continue to do so.'

Silence again. A heavy silence.

'Now,' he said. He motioned for Amy to rejoin the group. 'I want each of you to tell me one of the things that give away lies.'

Tristan pointed to Amy. 'They look down.'

He pointed to Alison. 'They look nervous.'

'They fidget around,' said Kristen.

'They look away from you,' said Ross.

'They offer extra information that you didn't ask for,' said Nathan.

'They look up like this,' Chelsea moved her eyes up and to the right. People subconsciously did this when they were pretending to try and remember something.

Tristan finally looked to me. Everybody had already said the things he had taught us yesterday, so I was stuck. But my lips moved without me having to think. This was usually a bad thing - but this time, it saved me from humiliation. 'Lies usually have more detail than the truth. If there' span answer for everything, they've thought it through, so they're probably lying, or at least guilty in some way.'

'Good,' said Tristan, stepping backwards, his eyes lingering on me. 'Now, let's think about the times when you'll be tempted to lie, for yourself or for others...'

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