Lucy's Brother?

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Welcome back to Chapter 2 of 'Fairy Tail's Light'!

Let's Begin!

Gray's P.O.V

"Hey, dude, what happened to her?". I turned around and saw Laxus. "Let's just say, Fairy Tail happened," l said with sadness and anger in my voice. We stood there in silence before l broke it saying,"What are we going to do now? We can't stay or Lucy would have to go through a lot of pain and Master won't listen to us,". Laxus looked at me then bit his bottom lip before answering, "I have to tell you something about Lucy but whatever l say, you can't change the way you feel about her. She doesn't know anything about this, so don't say anything about what I'm about to tell you to anyone, not even to her until the time is right. You understand?". I nodded in response.

"Lucy Heartfillia is actually Lucy Apocalypse Dragonia, she's my cousin. She doesn't only possess celestial magic, but she's ......". Just then the door bursts open and we stood in front of Lucy just in case it's one of the Fairy Tail people who mistreat her. We saw a dark shadow and out floated....... Rogue? "Give me Lucy!! Oh, hey Laxus," he said in a deep voice. He was wearing grey sweatpants, a black tank top, and red scarf.

Laxus's P.O.V

Gray and l sweatdropped at his sudden mood swing. I moved aside just enough for Rogue to see Lucy's face. Gray looked at me confused so l had to explain to him,"Rouge is Lucy's older brother so don't sweat it. Also, Rogue, can we go to your place when Lucy wakes up?". Rogue nodded. I want Lucy to be in a safe place and not a crummy place like Fairy Tail. "Oi, Gray, we need to leave Fairy Tail and join Sabertooth where Lucy can be safe,". Gray stopped to think about his answer first but said, "Ok, I'll go, but before we leave, l need to know what's going on and how is it possible that Lucy and Rogue are siblings? Rogue is this emo, dark, emotionless guy, no offence, while Lucy is this happy, cheerful girl," Rogue and l started to laugh.... well l started to laugh, meanwhile Rogue just... smirked? "All will be said when we get to the train station," l whispered back to Gray.

Lucy's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of the door crashing to the ground. l slightly opened an eye to see what was going on. Oh no, Laxus is moving out of the way. I quickly shut my eye again and they continued to talk. Wait a second, ...... Rogue is my brother?! A lot of questions were ringing in my head like 'Is Rogue really my brother?', 'Where are we going when l wake up?',  and Gray's right, how is it possible that Rogue and l are siblings? After they said something about the train station, my head started to hurt. 

Rogue's P.O.V

Lucy started screaming, we all looked at her. I raced to her side and l realised, this was supposed to happen when she gets her memories back. Guess she was listening to our conversation. "Guys, don't panic. This is what happens when she is breaking the seal of memories," l said with a hint of sadness in my voice. I mean why wouldn't l. l have to sit here listening to my little sister scream in agony. I can't stop the pain, l can't really comfort her. I have to just sit and watch.

To be continued....

Hey There, (Again)

Well, that's it for Chapter 2 as you probably know feel free to leave comments on what you think and Thank You for reading this far. I'm just wondering. Is anyone actually reading this? Peace ✌🏻

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