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Hi! Welcome back to Fairy Tail's Light! Please choose and comment what picture should be the new cover in 'Dreams and Nightmares'. Thanks, now, let's get on with the chapter.

Lucy's P.O.V

I woke up in Sting's arms, but we weren't in our bed, in our room. I sat up, looked at my surroundings and realized it was Rogue's room. I tried to wake up Sting but he didn't wake up. I slithered out of his grasp. I walked back to my room, l realized that l don't have my room key with me. Maybe Gray's there since he wasn't sleeping in his original room with Rogue. *Knock Knock* Gray opened the door. "Hey!" I whispered, hoping to not wake anyone up. He moved aside to make room for me to go back to my room. I got my clothes and took a shower. I got out and brushed my hair and teeth. I got changed into my clothes (Media).

I walked out of the bathroom and Gray wasn't there. I figured that he went back to his room so l decided to go to Rogue's room to wake up Sting. When l got there l had to knock on the door, Rogue then opened it and l walked in saying that l needed to wake up Sting. I had to shake him violently for him to at least move but, he didn't wake up. I had an idea, l walked out of their room telling them that l would be back, l went downstairs and bought a waffle....

 I had an idea, l walked out of their room telling them that l would be back, l went downstairs and bought a waffle

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I went back up to Rogue's room and l slightly yelled,"I am back with..... FOOD!". Sting immediately jumped up and ran to me."Where's the food?!" he asked excitedly. I didn't want to be really mean so, l handed him the waffle. When everyone got ready we headed down to eat. We then went our separate ways to train by ourselves, after about 3 hours we got back together and we played games on the beach.

~Timeskip~ After 2 months

The same thing happened over and over again every day. Every now and again we would bump into Natsu but we just ignore him and his team and continue to do the things we were doing.

Natsu's P.O.V

These past two months were horrible. We did a bit of training, but most of the time we were just talking about how much we missed Lucy, well we as in not Lisanna. Talking about Lucy, she is always ignoring the fact that we are even there. It was hard to not care, l am so angry and so sad. I am angry that Lisanna would do that, but l am sad that l have lost the one l love. Now l am just thinking, how could l get Lucy back?

Sting's P.O.V

It has been two months already. Everything is the same every day. Lucy has been..... not herself lately. She seems to be more.... different. Somethings up, not everything, but something. I wonder what's wrong.

~Timeskip~ After another month

Today is the day we go to our second place to train. Apparently, no one knows where we're going except for Lucy, Rogue, Laxus, and Gray. *sigh* "Where are we going?" l said for the millionth time. "You will know once we get there," Lucy said..... again. We are currently packing our bags and getting ready to go to the train station. Everyone was waiting for us at Yukino's room because... um... l slept in. Lucy was packing her things when l was still sleeping, and she then decided to wake me up in the middle of it. So long story short, Minerva's going to kill us. We were going to visit Yukino on our way out because she isn't coming with us to the second place. When we finished we headed towards Yukino's room and knocked. *Knock Knock*. Rogue opened the room and said, "Good luck Sting,". I was confused. He pointed towards Minerva and l gulped.

~Timeskip~ After Sting's beating

Lucy's P.O.V

Sting was kinda hurt pretty bad so Yukino volunteered to bandage up Sting. I told the team to go to the train station first and l will stay behind with Sting. As they left l asked, "Hey Yukino, can l use your bathroom for a second?". She nodded and l went to the bathroom. I was washed my hands and l went back out only to see......











"S- Sting?!!". I saw him kissing Y- Yukino. I started to cry, l was crying because thought he loved but l guessed not. I ran out of the room, l don't know where l was running to, l just know l was running. I couldn't even hear Sting coming after me *sigh*, l guess he didn't actually love me after all. I was running, l could barely see where l was going because my tears were blurring my sight. I bumped into someone when l was running. I looked up only to see -----. I hugged the person, I couldn't care less what they thought of me, all l knew was that l can't......

To be continued...

Thank you for reading this Chapter of Fairy Tail's Light, please, again if you haven't go to 'Dreams and Nightmares' to vote on a new cover for this book. Sorry, it was short but the next one would be longer. Peace ✌🏻.

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