Another Worry To Worry About

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Welcome back to my Fanfic/ Story..... or whatever you want to call it. Here is Chapter 10 of 'Fairy Tail's Light'. Enjoy.

~The same morning as 'Figuring It Out'~

Lucy's P.O.V

Was l dreaming last night? All l remember is that l was begging for someone to stay and l hugged them. Who was it......oh it was my old family. I felt like l was sleeping against someone. I slowly opened my eyes to reveal....... "STING?!" l whispered while slightly yelling. I saw him moving his eyes which meant that he was awake now. I did what most people would I a situation like this. I shut my eyes and pretended to be sleeping. "Huh? What happened? Why am l ....... oh right, last night how could l forget. *sigh* I really wonder what's wrong, and how the heck is Rogue and Blondie here, are siblings. Guess l have to ask Rogue himself," he sighed. I felt him try to get up but then l realized l had my arms around his waist in a hugging position so he couldn't get up. That was when l decided l should probably pretend to wake up like nothing had happened.

Sting's P.O.V

I tried to get up but Blondie was around my waist. I blushed at the position we were in. I saw Blondie waking up. "S-Sting?" she said in a sleepy tone. Wait, why isn't she shouting or screaming at me for being in her bed? Weird. "Hey, are you feeling ok? You look like you have a fever," she says as she touches my face with the back of her hand. Her lips are slightly apart, she really looks cute. I blush even more now. "Funny, you don't warm but your face is red. Maybe l should go ask Rogue. Wait here," she says to me when she tries to get up. I stop her saying, "I'm fine, don't worry." I told her. She nodded and headed towards the bathroom. I exited her room and went to mine to take a shower myself.

~Timeskip~ When Lucy and Sting finished taking a bath/ shower.

Lucy's P.O.V

Ahhh, that bath was relaxing, l really needed that after all that Fairy Tail commotion. I headed downstairs to the smell of..... "FOOD!!!" I yelled and ran to the kitchen where Rogue is cooking pancakes. I must say, Rogue's cooking is the best, l missed his cooking. When we were little Rogue would always let us help him cooking for mum and dad. It was fun and really delicious. I missed the old times. At least l get to see the rest of my family soon.

Rogue's P.O.V

"FOOD!!!" was what l heard when l was flipping pancakes for the others, that does include Lector and Frosh. I saw the one and only Lucy Apocalypse Dragonia. I smiled at her reaction to food, l truly love when she is happy, it makes me happy. She sat down next to Frosh and the two started to talk about costumes and stuff. I finished making the pancakes and laid 8 in front of Lucy and 3 fish in front of Frosh. Lucy's face brightened even more and then shouted," YAY, THANKS, ROGUE!!" I heard her scream. I smiled at her, and just at that same moment, Sting walked in saying, "WHAT HAS SHE DONE TO YOU MAN? Are you feeling alright?". Both Lucy and l had questioned faces as to what he was talking about.

So l guess he had to explain to us. "Dude, you usually never show emotion, then Blondie here shows up and you're like a Frosh with more emotions," he explained. I heard Lucy face palm, as he said 'Blondie'. Next thing you know the two had an argument about Sting calling Lucy 'Blondie'. "Lucy, can you go wake up Laxus and Gray? Sting, you and l need to talk," I said, trying to control my......pfft.... laughter. Lucy nodded her head and went to Laxus's and Gray's rooms. I made sure she left, then l turn to face Sting. "How are you and Blondie siblings?" Sting said confused. That was when l decide to tell him Lucy and mines past.

~Timeskip~  After Rogue finished explaining their past

Sting's P.O.V

"Ohh," l said as everything made sense now. Blondie walked in and l felt pity towards her. She sat down, Gray on her left, Rogue in front of her, Laxus left of Rogue, the exceeds sitting right of Rogue, so l decided to sit next to Blondie. We finished eating our pancakes that Rogue made and headed towards the guild. Blondie somehow got tired and asked for someone to carry her, the exceeds went flying towards Sabertooth before us so they couldn't carry her, the other three told me to do it so l knelt down for her to get on my back. On the way to the guild Lucy kept singing, it was truly beautiful. For some reason, Salamander and his exceed always complain how heavy Lucy is, but to me, she is like a feather.

~Timeskip~ At the guild

Rufus's P.O.V

The doors to the guild got pushed open and walked in the group of slayers.

Gray the Ice Demon Slayer

Laxus the Lightning Dragon Slayer

Rogue the Shadow Dragon Slayer

Sting the Light Dragon Slayer


a random Blonde girl?

I walked up to the random Blonde girl and asked her, "Who may you be?". I bent down and kissed her hand like a true gentleman. I heard a slight growl coming from Sting. I smirked at him, l knew what she means to him, l mean come one, he is a dragon slayer. "I am Lucy Apocalypse Dragonia, and who may you be kind sir?" she replied to me while curtsying like a princess joining in my act.  "I am Rufus Lore, memory make wizard of Sabertooth," l answered. "Oh l remember you, you're the one who won the first round in the Grand Magic Games," Lucy said. I now realized who she was. "Yes, and you're Lucy Heartfilia of Fairy Tail, are you not?" I asked curious of what happened. She lifted her right hand to where her Fairy Tail emblem use to be and sighed. "I need to get my guild mark now, sorry but l need to find Yukino," she said as she made her way past me.

Lucy's P.O.V

I left Rufus there, l should get back to him on that. Right now, l made my way to Yukino to get my guild mark. Oh, there she is. "Hey Yukino, can l get my guild mark?" l asked her. She turned around and replied, "I don't know, can you?". That didn't sound right, she sounded harsh. I took a step back saying, "Are you feeling alright Yukino?". She did the unexpected to me...




























To be continued...

Gotta wrap it up here. Thx for reading!! Peace ✌🏻

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