The New Master Is.....

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Hey there again,

Welcome back to Chapter 7 and thx for making it this far. Also a quick warning, Sabertooth and Fairy Tail never got along but are very kind to their Nakama's and families.

~??? P.O.V~
My name is........

The Big Reveal


I am.....


Jellal Fernandez, that's right l am now Sabertooth's Master since Ultear was nowhere to be found and Sting Eucliffe wanted to retire from being Master because all of the paper work he had to do.  After l said that she was bursting in tears. Oh dear, she's doing that crying thing that she does every time she sees someone that she hasn't seen in a long time.

"So, Lucy what are you doing here?" I asked her being curious what she's doing in Sabertooth. Sabertooth and Fairy Tail are enemies, even though they kinda taught us how to care for our Nakama's they have been so destructive and selfish. They do care what people in public think about them and they do care about winning, they just don't want to show it.

"I am actually here to join Sabertooth," she answered while putting on a fake smile. I know when she is lying and l know what she is feeling, when she is feeling it and how long she has been feeling it. She is pretty easy to figure out if you have known her for a long time. I, on the other hand, have known her for technically my whole life but just minus 1 year so she has known me for her whole life. This time l know that she is hiding something because she is sad, l can literally see 'sad' written in her eyes, so l decided to ask her, "What are you hiding Lucy. You know you can always talk to me. We're at Sabertooth you don't need to hide the fact you and l are childhood friends and you have known me your whole life. K?" "You're right..... Blueberry!" She screamed as she jumped on me while she hugged my neck and started to silently sob. "I am so..... sorry. I just..... bullied..... Fairy Tail..... Brother..... hate," she said while bursting into tears.

I know exactly what she is feeling. Revenge..... Sadness.....and..... Hate. I hushed her while l asked Laxus and Gray to go and ask Yukino for their insignia. Rogue just stayed behind for Lucy, yes l know all about Lucy's past.  Rogue decided to fill me in on past events, "Lucy was being bullied since this girl called Lisanna got back from the 'dead'. They kept calling her weak, useless etc. She considers Gray, a brother because he was only one of the people who didn't bully her, the other one who didn't, was Laxus but he was already her cousin, and it all happened on her Birthday." Lucy was crying even more on me which made me feel more angered towards Fairy Tail.

~ Timeskip~ When Lucy was still crying on Jellal but Rogue left to take a drunk Sting home.

Lucy's P.O.V

I kept on crying on Jellal because l realize how worthless l am when Rogue explained to Jellal what happened when l was in Fairy Tail. I realized that Jellal, Zeref, Dad, Mum, Gray, Laxus, Rogue, kinda Sting and soon to be Sabertooth will be my new family. Jellal kept on saying comforting things to me, but none of that, really, reached my brain all l heard was Nastu and the guild shout, shouting at me saying things like 'you're useless' or 'You were only just a replacement for Lisanna'. Ugh, why, why would Nastu bring me to Fairy Tail if he is just going to kick me out? I missed Jellal ever since l had to leave, we were best friends in the dragon realm. Jellal's parents and my parents were friends when they were younger and so they were at my birth at the hospital.

To be continued...

Thx for reading the 7th Chapter of Fairy Tail's Light. Peace ✌🏻

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