The Announcement

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Welcome Back! Before l start, l just want to thank Keemi121 for voting for my parts very quickly. Please enjoy this chapter of Fairy Tail's Light!

Lucy's P.O.V

"Ok, now that we are all here, I also have to tell you all that we are all going to the Annual Dragon Festival. The Dragonia siblings and their friends will be staying here in the Underworld until then. The festival is in two days time, and we already brought everything into a room. Lucky for us you all have 'sleepovers' a lot," Uncle Dagon announced. Saline and l began to squeal while jumping up and down. We get to spend some cousin time together. I am close with Shedim and Shadow but Saline and l are the closest cousins. Of course, I also have other cousins, all the different world in fact. There is also Laxus, the angel world, the wolf world, the Gods (even though there is only one God who is God, but just pretend there is more than one) and many more.

"Let's go start your training little one," Uncle Dagon said as we walked to the training arena. "First is first. I remember you need to practise controlling most of your demon form, correct?" He asked making sure that the information was correct. I nodded, meaning he was correct and could continue. "Let's just fly first shall we," he continued. We spread our demon wings and began to fly all over the Underworld.

~Back in the Dragon Realm~

Sting's P.O.V

"To all of Princess Lucy and Prince Rogue's human friends, you are all to make your way to Skiadrum's island where Rogue will open the portal to the Underworld, where you will be staying for two nights in preparation for the Annual Dragon Festival. To you dragons, you will be flying your students to Skiadrum's island, That'll be all for now, Thank You," a voice said. "Underworld? Sounds like a place for Demons and everything like that," I stated. I looked at Weisslogia who was shocked. "What?" obviously worried something happened. "You can be smart?! MY SON IS SMART!! YEAH!!" he shouted."That was offensive! I am smart, even ask Blondie!" I yelled. "Blondie? Is that Princess Lucy? You like her~" he purred. "Too bad you have no chance of getting her with your brain capacity.... Plus l heard she is taken by another Blondie idiot with the same name as you," he continued. "Hey! To tell you, Old Man, she actually is my girlfriend. I am that Blondie idiot," I said with a tad bit of sass. He gave me that 'WWHHAAATTT?' face. I laughed at his face and we continued to train.

~Timeskip~ After training when everyone was making there way to Skiadrum's island

Rogue's P.O.V

I'm heading to Skiadrum's island because l went to the castle to get Zeref. When we arrive Zeref, Skiadrum and l talked for a while. After a few minutes, I was thinking about when everyone was coming. As if one cue, Sting and Weisslogia came flying in. "WE HAVE ARRIVED!" screamed Sting. I swear sometimes he sounds like a girl. "Did you know Sting can be smart?!" questioned Weisslogia. Skiadrum started to laugh along with me. "What?" asked Sting. "You, Hahaha smart hahaha," we laughed. He looked angry, but hey, its the truth.

After a few minutes, everyone finally arrived. I opened the portal to the underworld and was greeted by cousin Shedim. "Hey cousins," he said. "Hey," Zeref and l replied back. We introduced the rest of the team to Shedim and then Shadow came out to also greet us. "Hey cousins," he said. "Hey," Zeref and l replied back. Repeating the same process, introduced the rest of the team. Not long after cousin Saline walked out. "Hey cousins," she said cheerfully while also hugging the two of us. "Hey," we replied back, again. Again, we introduced the rest of the team. "Hello nephew's and guests," Aunty Satine said. "Let's just wait for Uncle Dagon to come back with Lucy, then introduce the rest of Rogue's team," suggested Zeref. We agreed and walked into their living room.

Lucy's P.O.V

So in training, I've only completed half of it. I only know how to stay in control with the wings, the arms, the weapons and.... face? We decided to call it a day and train tomorrow while everyone else has a day off. I am fine with me training again tomorrow, I need to protect the ones l love. No one will stop me from protecting them. I also can be my own threat to them and to me. That's why l need to control most of my demon form, to make sure that when l do transform randomly, l don't hurt anyone I love. We went to the living room because that is where everyone else is.

As soon as l entered, Sting hugged me immediately and asked,"Are you ok? They didn't hurt you did they? Did you work too hard? How do y-". "Don't worry Sting, I'm fine. I'm here aren't I?" I said. He nodded and let go of me. "Since everyone is here let's introduce the rest of the team, and if anyone else wants to know who they are, I am not going to explain anymore," Rogue complained. We all showed a confused look and looked at him. "It mean's I'm not got to introduce them for the fourth time," he explained. So I introduced them to aunty and uncle myself.

We went to the room where we were going to stay for the two nights here (Media). Everyone spread their sleeping bags across the floor and started to play truth or dare, friendly mode. I went to sleep earlier because l need to wake up early tomorrow for training. "Goodnight guys!" I said. "Goodnight Lucy!" the team replied.

To be continued...

Thank you for reading this part of Fairy Tail's Light. See you all in the part! Peace ✌🏻

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