|| t h e t e x t + f a c e t i me // 15.6.17

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Yo Felicity we should ft ??

Felicity The Basement Creep ❓
Ew. Why. FaceTime is for losers.

Well then I'm a sucker for ft

Felicity The Basement Creep ❓
...we've known each other for 3 days bro.

Felicity The Basement Creep ❓

Felicityyyyyyyy pleaseeee

Felicity The Basement Creep ❓

Felicity The Basement Creep ❓
Give me five minutes


FELICITY sat nervously in front of her mirror, curling her dyed brown hair. Her shaky breath quickened as she felt her phone vibrate on her leg.

Before Felicity answered she noticed the time and realised that she would probably need to be quiet and sit at her desk on the other end of her room as to not wake anyone in the house

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Before Felicity answered she noticed the time and realised that she would probably need to be quiet and sit at her desk on the other end of her room as to not wake anyone in the house. She turned on her lamp so that Daniel would be able to see her face and answered, quickly tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. Daniel couldn't help but gasp at how beautiful she was and quickly took a screenshot. Unaware that Felicity had just done the same.

"H-Hey Daniel." She spoke quietly and blushed. He immediately smiled.

"Hey Felicity." He waved at her and she thought it was hilarious for some reason.

"Oh good you're from America too." Felicity smiled acknowledging that she couldn't pick up a different accent. She placed her phone down on her desk, leaning it against some books then sat back in her spinny chair and spun fast.

"Okay you're an actual child oh my lord." Daniel forehead slapped and slid out of the frame.

"Noooooo come baaaaaaack." Felicity whined and Daniel popped his head back into the view. "Yay."

"You love meeeee. You texted me at work today." Daniel also put his phone on his bed side table against his lamp and sat back down on the floor. Felicity groaned and let her head fall onto the table.

"No that's not-ughhhhhhh-That's not why I was texting you! I actually got in trouble bro." She rested her hands under her head and stared at him. He copied her and she frowned making him giggle.

"OOOH, feisty...lets play 20 questions?"

• ~~~~~ • ~~~~~ •

Felicity had learnt that he was 18, homeschooled, had a fetish for watermelons as she said and loved to sing. Daniel had learnt that Felicity was 17 turning 18 in July, her favourite colour was light green and she had a 7 year old little sister named Karmody.

They talked for hours. Until 5:34am to be exact. Then Felicity heard her dad come home and she froze looking at the time. If he caught her up this early on the phone to a boy he'd most definitely ask questions and take her phone away.

"Daniel it's been amazing talking to you but I have to go I'm so sorry." She didn't even give him time to answer before she hung up and switched off her lamp, quickly jumping into her bed.

Her bedroom door opened and Felicity closed her eyes tightly. Her dad shook his head as he thought she was asleep and quietly shut the door. She breathed a sigh of relief and pulled her phone out from underneath her thin body.

(3) New messages from THE OG KIND DANIEL 👑

She unlocked her phone and smiled as she read what Daniel had sent her. He's such a nice friend, she told herself.

Okay I dunno really what happened but I hope we can do that again weird basement girl 😜

I like your face tho


______________________589 Word Count

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589 Word Count

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