|| f a c e t i m e // 20.6.17

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He smiled as the call connected. But it was instantly wiped off as he saw the state she was in.

"Felicity what ha-"

"Why do boys do this?" She whispered and he shut up, letting her continue. "Mark said that he'd never hurt me. I was his 'one and only'," She wiped a stray tear off her cheek and put quotations around 'one and only'. "What a load of bullshit."

When Felicity finally did look up she was surprised. Daniel's usually happy state was rigid and he wore this unfamiliar scowl upon his lips. "What was Mark's full name." He said through gritted teeth and spat out the name.

"Daniel it doesn't matter. It's in the past and I don't care."

"His. Name." Daniel said once again slowly, trying to keep his cool. "I won't hurt him, I just want to...talk." It became silent but then Felicity digested the words he had said.

This made her laugh. For the first time in three days, Felicity laughed. She laughed. And she laughed. Daniel blushed going back to his normal self.

"What?" He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. She kept giggling so he took this opportunity to take a quick screenshot.

"Just...you." She smiled at him and sat upright on her bed as she had her phone lent against her desk. "Ugh thank you for being the only guy that doesn't make me want to neck myself Danny boy."

"So what happened?" Daniel asked with his head in his palm ignoring the hated nick name. She groaned and picked up a Doritos chip packet off the floor and began to eat the crumbs taht were left in it.

"My boyfriend dumped me. Over a fucking text message." She tucked a fallen hair behind her ear and sighed. "The day my friends boyfriend couldn't come see, earlier Mark asked to 'hang out' when he really only ever wants to do one thing," Daniel blushed at the thought of what she meant but she didn't notice. "Soooooo when I didn't show up at his house cause I was with my friends he dumped me, all because he thought that we never spent time with each other anymore. Even though days before he was telling me that nothing could tear us apart. We were something special. Something strong. So me and her sat and cried for hours together. Pretty sad huh?" She wiped away more tears and tried to smile. Daniel had an idea.

"Yeah my buddy was upset that he had made his girlfriend sad, but he's surprising her I swear." Daniel spoke up about Corbyn. "Hold on a sec I'll be right back." Daniel spoke quick and paused the FaceTime. Felicity scoffed. Then her phone popped up with a text so she grabbed it and paused her FaceTime also so she could check it.



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Felicity was confused. She went back onto her FaceTime to see Daniel already back.

"I want more than anything for you to smile like that, forever. I would do anything if it meant you smiled and looked as happy like that for eternity." Daniel finished his little speech and looked her right in the eyes. They had glossed over and she smiled big.

"Just keep talking boy. Just keep talking." She finally knew what he meant to her now.

561 Word Count

All of my love • Daniel Seavey AU •Where stories live. Discover now