|| d a n i e l + t h e t e x t // 22.6.17

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"CORBYN GET UP GET UP GET UP!-" I was pushed to the ground as Corbyn hit me with his pillow.

"I'm up jeez." He said grumpily but I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. "What's got you so happy. You hate mornings."

"I get to see Felicity tomorrow and I'm also stoked to see Chris!" I was jumping and dancing around the hotel room while Corbyn just smiled from his bed.

"Yeah, I'm excited to." He sighed and I immediately stopped what I was doing. I ran over to his bed and jumped onto him. "What the hell Daniel-"

"What's wrong?" I pestered him and poked his arm repeatedly as he tried to get his pants on.

"I just...I haven't seen her in a while. And I'm scared she's gotten even more beautiful." I was utterly confused with his talk about Christina and he noticed. He groaned loudly and tugged on his hair. "She's already flawless but every time I see her she manages to take my breath away even more. So I'm scared she's gonna realise she's to perfect for me and," he put his head down. "Leave."

I didn't know what to say. Corbyn has never been like this before. Before I could do any thing he looked over at me and shook his head. Standing up he whispered, "it's stupid don't worry."

I had enough! I grabbed his arm and pulled him into a hug. Not a bro hug, a proper hug. "Christina is infatuated with you Corbyn. She texts me every single frickin day to make sure you're okay and happy." I felt him smile on my shoulder and we let go of each other.

"Okay lets go get her." He rubbed his tired eyes and grabbed the handle of his suitcase as I did mine and we walked out of the hotel room down to the lobby.

"I called an uber to be here before I woke you up so it should be around the front somewhere." I told Corbyn and he nodded. Then a red little jeep pulled up and I recognised it as the uber. "Lets go."

I felt nervous for some reason but I knew it was just cause I was gonna get to see Felicity tomorrow.

"Oh shit." I heard Corbyn stutter.


"I didn't even check if she's at work!" He face palmed.

"I'll check." I said cause I knew that if Corbyn asked her she'd catch on to the surprise immediately. Pulling out my phone I opened my texts with Christina.

Hey yo do you have any pizza at home for me and Corbean when we get there later tomorrow?

Christina Chickee
Nah sorry fam but I'll bring some for you today cause I'm at work. I'll put it in the fridge for you cause you love cold pizza 😅🤷🏻‍♀️


"She's at work." We both sighed in relief. I decided that I'd pass the time by texting Felicity cause man I missed her and we haven't FaceTimed in days. I smiled at her contact name.

Love meeeeeeee

Felicity darling 💜
Oh bugga off I'm at work and you did NOT help me yesterday with that rat so I'm not talking to you 😑

Oh come one it was prolly tiny

I STG Felicity don't leave me on read


Felicity Darling 💜
Hell yeah I'm petty

Felicity Darling 💜
No go away my manager is giving me deathys again.

Felicity Darling 💜
Ass hole

Fine you meanie

Love you x

Undo Typing?
Yes No

Once again I was trapped. We sent I love you yesterday but that was on accident. This time I want to send it. But I didn't get to say it first.

Felicity Darling 💜
Love you Danny boi 💕

Love you more Filly 💕

"Ooh saying I love you already are we?" I punched Corbyn in the arm and he laughed but I could tell I hurt him a bit.
"Didn't hur-WE'RE HERE!"

The uber driver jumped a bit at Corbyn's yelling cursing him under his breath and I just put my hand over my heart.

"Sorry." His cheeks heated up and I just smiled at him to show I wasn't mad. "I'm just excited."

"Now he's excited." I whispered but was still happy for him as we grabbed our suitcase. The Pizza Hut was semi-busy but not busy enough that there were lost of lines and people waiting. Corbyn jumped up and down in his spot until I gasped. He was confused until he turned around.

"Hi baby."

762 Word Count

All of my love • Daniel Seavey AU •Where stories live. Discover now