|| f e l i c i t y // 21.6.17

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I stared at the messages for at least another ten minutes as I just sat in my car, mouth ajar.

"They-sh-she knows-roommate?-Corbyn?!" Forming a sentence was obviously not an option. Calling Christina I ran my hands through my hair.

"Hello Fel-" I cut off her chirpy voice.

"You're roommate is Daniel Seavey isn't he." I concluded and she laughed.

"Well yeah but I call him Nintendo DS cause of his initials. Why?" She sounded somewhat confused and so was I.

"Chris, that's the boy."


"The boy! The one I'm always texting. That's him!" I yelled and she gasped.




"Yes!" I smiled.

"Oh my-are you sur-MEET ME AT THE MALL OUT THR FRONT OF STARBUCKS NOW!" She hung up and I threw my phone onto the passenger seat starting my car and driving to Starbucks.


"This is so crazy!" Christina said after she hugged me. "The mystery boy you love is my roommate!" I slapped her shoulder.

"I do not love him!" She snorted and rolled her eyes. "But what are you gonna do! They are on a plane right now!"

"I know! Corbyn told me he wasn't coming back until tomorrow and that I wouldn't see him till the day after, but now I'm seeing him tomorrow!" She squealed earning us weird looks from other customers at the cafe.

"Wait I thought you were seeing him tomorrow!" I asked confused and put my head in my palm.

"I did to but literally just before you called me Corbyn texted me saying that his flight was 'delayed' so they must be staying in a hotel tonight to surprise me." I smiled at her happiness but was a little jealous. No one would ever go through that much trouble to surprise me. Wait a sec-

"What if I surprised Daniel?" I shocked myself at my words and Christina tilted her head to the side. "No Chris think about it! He doesn't know, that I know, that he's already here in LA."

"I know that I'm confused." Christina mumbled and I sighed frustrated. "OH WAIT!"

"There you go!" I threw my hands up in the air and laughed. "Obviously Daniel will be with Corbyn when he surprises you, so what if I surprise Daniel?" I shivered in excitement and Christina squealed again grabbing my hands.

"Well lets double check that's they really are not surprising you at your apartment." I said and pulled out my phone.

(1) New message from The King Daniel ❤️

The King Daniel ❤️
Hey I'm actually just staying with a friend tonight cause I lost the keys to my apartment whoops haha but I'll see you on Friday. Soz.

"Never mind." I showed Chris the message. "Never in the time that I've known him, has Daniel ever said or sent 'soz'. They're already here."

477 Word Count

All of my love • Daniel Seavey AU •Where stories live. Discover now