Chapter Seven

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As you might have noticed Brad, James, Connor and James are part of a band called The Vamps. They're amazing, holy shit... Don't get me started on them! They all have amazing talents and together, fuck they're fabulous.

I loved staying for their band practice, it was probably one of my fave things to do. Brad is the lead singer, his voice literally makes me melt he's so good!

This one time I was having a really bad time at school, constantly getting bullied and he wrote me a song about trying to stay strong (this was before the band) the song was the cutest thing ever.

"Georgia" brad said, distracting me from my previous thoughts. "Yeah" I replied. "What song do you want us to do? It's up to you" James smiled. "Hmmmm, you should totally do Cecilia" I smirked. "I don't even know why you asked her, she always says Cecilia" Tris said. "It's my fave okay" I replied.

They know that Cecilia is my favourite song they do, every time they sing it I go crazy! The vamps are like my secret obsession, as they're my best friends I haven't actually told them that when I get in I put their covers on from YouTube and plug my speakers in so it's full blast... Then I go crazy. They're so fucking awesome, I'm so happy they're my best-friends.

Me and Brad, we were friends before the band. Brad spoke to me a lot about wanting to be a band. I think it was about a year and a half ago now that Brad rung me up going absolutely mental he was practically crying...

Basically James Mcvey was a solo singer, also wanted to be in a band, his manager was Joe. James found Brads covers online and contacted him, that's why Brad had rand me going mental. After this Brad and James went on to find Tristan. The boys did shows as a threesome for quite a while, they had a good friend called Connor, he was amazing on bass. The boys went to a meeting and they suggested adding Connor to the band, this was an amazing idea, Connor was what they needed to be 100% perfect. They asked Connor and he accepted... This was the forming of the vamps.

I became close with all 3 other boys quite quickly, they're all fab, I can't say a bad word about any of them, except from their bad manly habits. Me and Brad had been best friends since primary school, he's always been a big part of my life.

"Did you like it?" Connor asked. "I LOVED IT" I screamed after they had finished singing Cecilia. All 4 boys laughed at me. "What song now?" I asked eagerly... "That's it for today Gee" Brad said. Holy shit, I love it when he calls me Gee, he gives me butterflies...

"Let's go to Nando's" James suggested. "Hell yeah" Tristan replied, almost instantly jumping out his seat. "Calm down Tris" I laughed. "I'm gonna stay in, I don't feel too good" I said... "Have fun" I smiled, walking out of the room. "Wait..." Brad shouted. "I'll stay here with Georgia" brad said. "Jesus Christ, you're staying home with Georgia instead of a Nando's you feeling okay mate?" James laughed. "I'm feeling fine, I just want to keep her company" brad blushed. "He's a keeper" Connor smirked. "Oh shut up" I said trying to be serious but I ended up blushing... And laughing.

The boys went and things between me and brad were a little awkward after the previous things had been said, the fact I had feeling for him made it worse. "What do you want to do" I said, going to sit next to Brad. "It's up to you" he smiled. "Well, I want to eat a load of junk food and cuddle... Oh and watch some shit on the tv" I replied. "Sounds absolutely perfect to me" brad giggled. "You go put some pizza in, I'm going to have a quick shower and change into something a little more comfortable" I said. "Okay Gee" he smiled, coming over and hugging me. "Don't be long..." He said. "I won't" I replied.


Brads P*O*V

I love her, it's obvious... I can't hide it anymore. The reason I didn't go to Nando's is because I didn't want to be away from her. Over the past few days I have realised what she means to me, I would die for her. I don't know how she feels about me, what if she doesn't want to be a couple because it might ruin our friendship, ugh, I don't want to ruin our friendship but it's so damn hard trying to be friends with her when I feel like this.

I have no choice but to tell her, maybe she will feel the same, maybe she won't but I guess I'm going to find out. I'm going to leave it a little longer and then ask her on a date. When she told me that she wanted to 'eat junk food and cuddle' it gave me butterfly's. When I'm around her my stomach goes mental... It genuinely feels like I have acrobats in there.

I looked in the fridge and freezer to see if there was anything nice to eat... Yes, I thought! We have her favourite things Pepperoni pizza and chicken nuggets! I got straight on with cooking them.

I was just dishing up the food as she came downstairs... Damn she looked hot, I couldn't take my eyes off her! She was wearing a plain grey top and really short shorts showing off her amazing legs, she had her hair up in a messy bun and wow, she didn't even have makeup but she's still beautiful. She has the most natural beauty I have ever seen... Ever.

"What are you staring at" she chuckled. Oh shit I didn't realise I was staring "um, what?" I replied, looking away, pretending I didn't hear what she said. "You know what" she laughed walking over to me. "You fabulous mother fucker" she said to me. "They're my favourite things in this world, you're the best" she said standing on her tiptoes and kissing my cheek. This girl is going to be the death of me, all she did was kids my cheek but my heart was racing.


Georgia's P*O*V

I can't believe how cute Brad is, he's made my fave food and set it out all cute, he's sorted out the room we are sitting to watch the film in so it's all cute, he's put on the lamp and fary lights so it looked really nice. He had even got us a quilt, some drinks and some nibbles; nuts, crisps, etc... It was perfect.

"What shall we watch?" I asked. "Let's watch the notebook" he replied. "Okay, one of my faves" I smirked. "I'll put it on, you sit down and get comfy Gee" he said. I sat down and got the quilt right as he put the film on. Brad went to lock the door quickly before he came and sat down "I know you don't like the door being unlocked" he giggled. No one else was home, just me and Brad, Anne was out at her friends and would probably be gone until about 10/11pm and the boys had obviously gone to Nando's and there was a guarantee they wouldn't be back for a good 2/3 hours as they would always go shopping after, they're such girls.

That meant me and brad would be able to chill out tonight until about 9pm, that made me really happy. The film was about to start and Brad came to sit with me, "budge up" he said. "Ugh fine" I chuckled. He sat down and I rested my head on his lap, he placed his hand on my cheek rubbing his thumb up and down my cheek.


The film was almost about to finish and I was dropping off to sleep, I always drift off during films, it sucks.

I tried not to drift off as the film finished, "I think this is the first film in over 10 years that you've stayed awake through all of a film" brad said laughing. "Shut up" I giggled, punching him in the shoulder.

I sat up next to him and hugged him, he hugged back and kinda like pulled me down onto him so I was laid on him hugging him... Yes it was kinda awkward but it felt amazing hugging him. Brad playfully punched my arm so I punched his leg and we got into a play fight. It went on for a couple of minutes until we fell off of the sofa landing with me right on top of Brad, we both couldn't stop laughing. We were still laid like that when eventually we stopped laughing and everything went serious.

I was laid on top of him, I pushed myself up, putting my hands either side of him and I was kind of like hovering over him, I noticed us staring into each other's eyes. Neither of us looked away, I tried to but I couldn't, I could see the way he looked at me, it gave me butterfly's, these butterflies I had though where ten times worse than the usual. We were still staring, he had amazing eyes they were beautiful.

I couldn't resist, I had to do it. I leant in , closer... Our lips met, I could feel fireworks in my stomach, it was amazing... This feeling was perfect, Brad kissed back making me smile. We both sat up, still kissing. It got faster and I could tell that we had both

wanted to do this for a very long time.


I hope you like it guys, things are getting more exciting now!

Sorry to leave it on a cliffhanger almost, I'm just really tired! There will be 2 updates tomorrow, fingers crossed.


Comment/vote... Thankyou.

-Georgia x

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