Chapter Fifteen

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It had been a week since we got back from London, me and Brad were not getting on like we usually do, we kept arguing and I couldn't take no more, I don't know what the hell is wrong with him.

"Georgia, I have something I need to tell you."

"Oh my God, you are going to split up with me arent you?"

"No, don't be stupid"

"Tell me" I practically screamed.

Loads of things were going around in my head, I had no idea what it could be but I was scared.

"I heard my Mum and dad talking after we had got home from London and while we were in London they came around here threatning my Mum, Dad and Sister. I don't know what to do"

"Call the police Brad, you have too... why didn't you tell me"

"I was scared because I thought you would worry. My Mum already called the police but Mum and Dad have no proof that they came."

"I have to leave, I have to go to London. I can't put you guys in danger... I have to leave, tonight" I said, I stood up and made my way upstairs.

I locked Brads door and started to pack, I couldn't stop crying, I didn't want to leave but I could not face them being in danger.

"Georgia, open the door... I will come with you, we can run away we don't have to go to London. I can't leave you Georgia don't do this"

"B-Brad, don't make things harder. We have nothing to survive off I only have my savings and they are for my future not for running away. I knew coming here was too much of a perfect ending, I am leaving, you know that I will always love you no matter what happens."

"Let me come with you" He mumbled, I could tell that he was crying, that broke my heart.

"Brad, you can't" I stuttered, struggling to hold the tears back.

I ignored him, I had too. He kept trying to get me to open the door but I wasn't opening the door until I had 100% packed.


It had took me just over an hour to pack all of my things. When I had done I went over and laid on Brads bed. I would do anything to not have to leave him but I know it's the right thing to do. I knew I would get beat, starved and punished for what I did but as long as Brad and his family were safe I could not care. 

I took out my phone and dialed my Mum's phone number, I took a deep breath. 

"Hello" I gulped.

"Georgia, I am so glad you rang, please can you help me, it's your Dad, he isn't safe he has locked me in a room because I tried defending you, tried telling him that he couldn't carry on like this. I love you, he was the one making me to all this to you... I am so sorry Georgia I hope you can forgive me"

What the hell just happened. 

"Mum where are you? I had rang you to tell you that I was going to come with you to London because Dad had been threatning Brads family"

"I am in the cellar at our old house, I need you to help me I have been here for ages, he used to beat me when I didn't do as he said that's why all of this happened"

"Mum, I am coming now, explain later... I forgive you"

I didn't know if she was legit but she honestly sounded it. 

"Brad, we have to go and help my Mum, Dad locked her in the cellar in the old house and he was the one making her do what she did because if she didn't then he would beat her" I told him. 

"Okay, urm what... yeah of course" Brad stuttered.

Brad ran downstairs and told his Mum what I had told him, Anne got Brads Dad to take us to make sure it wasn't a way to reel me in to their trap. We got into the car and set off.


We got in through the back door, Brad and his Dad worked together to knock it down, it was only an old door so it wasn't too hard.

"Mum" I shouted.

"Georgia" She yelled.

We ran straight down to the cellar, that door was locked, it was a big door, no way of breaking it down without weapons. I found my Dads tools and handed Brad the hammer.

"Step away from the door" He shouted through to her.

"Im away" She replied.

Brad started hammering at the door, after about 5 minutes it started to break, make a hole in the door. He continued to do it until it was big enough for Mum to fit out. She looked so fragile and pale. 

"Georgia.. I am s-sorry..." She said as she collapsed into my arms. 

"We need to get her to the hospital right now" Brad said.

we all carried her too the car, it was true... Dad had been forcing her into being a complete and utter bitch with me, I did have a Mum, I didn't have to leave. 


"We will have to keep your Mum in overnight for observation, do any of you know why she is like this?" The nurse asked.

"Yeah, my Dad... He beats her and he locked her in the cellar for days." I said 

"wow, does anyone know where this man is? We need to get the police involved."

"I have no idea, but I am sure he will be going back to the house to beat her but I don't know when that will be so you should ring them soon" I said to the Nurse.

"Yeah okay, are you going to go home and pick her up in the morning as she is very weak and tired" The nurse said to us all. 

"Yeah that might be a good idea" Brad smiled.


We got back to Brads and the downstairs window was smashed...

"BRAD" I yelled... "Look at the window"

He shot around, took one look at the house and ran inside.

"Mum, Mum where are you" He screamed. 

There was no reply, I had a really really bad feeling about this. 

"s-she is... s-he is in here" I gulped.

I took one look at her lifeless body and I knew it... Anne was dead and the person who had done it was my Dad. 


OOOOOOOOOO... so, I hope that you liked it. 

I am so sorry about the updates but I really have no time with exams coming up so I am just goiong to say now... Don't expect regular updates in around a month or so... I will try and fit in as many updates as I can but right now I am under a lot of pressure and stress and I am finding it really hard to update. 

I hope you love it. 

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-Georgia x 

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2014 ⏰

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