Chapter fourteen

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Georgia's P*O*V

I didn't want to leave London, I was kind of dreading getting home. I don't even feel like I can say 'home' because it isn't my home, it's Brad's home, I don't have a home. I know Anne said that she doesn't mind me staying and living there but it didn't feel right, it never would. 

"Brad, I don't know if I can live at your house" I said, avoiding eye contact. 

"Why" He gasped. 

"Because it doesn't feel right, you shouldn't have to have me to deal with, well Anne shouldnt."

I said it quietly so Anne didn't hear me. 

"Georgia, you know it's not a problem"

"I know but I feel like it is, I don't want to get in the way and thats what I feel like I am doing." 

"NO, Georgia, no." Brad practically yelled. 

I know 100% I was fine to stay there but it's just what if me and Brad get sick of each others company, what if Anne or any of the others get sick of me, what do I do then.

"Mum, tell Georgia that she is okay to stay with us and that she won't get in the way or anything" Brad said, he sounded pretty pissed off with me. 

"Georgia love, you're not going to be in the way, I wouldn't have offered if I thought you would have" She laughed. 

I didn't reply, I just turned around and rested my head against the window, I let a few tears roll down my face, I don't know why I couldn't just accept the fact that I was welcome there I just didn't want to put weight on anyones shoulders I hated having to rely on others that shouldnt have to rely on me. 

"Come here you plonker, don't cry" Brad said pulling me over to him. 

I rested my head on his shoulder and cried. I knew I would always have Brad no matter what happened, neither of us could cope without one another. 


"Georgia, wake up" I heard a voice say.

I woke up expecting to be in the car but I wasn't, I was in Brads room.

"What time is it" I mumbled. 

"It's 11am" He smiled

"Jesus Christ, why didn't you wake me last night?" I asked him 

"You looked so peaceful so I carried you straight up here from the car" He smirked, looking very proud of himself.

"Can we have a lazy day today and watch movies?" I asked Brad. 

"If thats what you want to do then thats what we will do" he laughed. 

"Thankyou so much Brad, it's just I don't feel like doing anything today" I sighed. 

I really didn't feel like doing anything today, I felt like utter shit. I had a horrible dream, it was about my Mum and Dad. They came and got me and took me again but this time they took me to Liverpool, I don't know why liverpool, well I do, they had asked work if Dad could still be promoted but do his job somewhere other than London for the obvious fact the others would come looking at London. They locked me in the attick and didn't let me drink or eat, they didn't let me do anything and when I say anything they wouldnt even let me read books, I literally just had to sit in the room and every so often Dad would come in and give me a beating. 

"Whats up Georgia?" Brad asked. 

"Just had a really horrible dream, it's scared me" I replied. 

Dreams - A Bradley Will Simpson Fanfic (The Vamps)Where stories live. Discover now