Chapter Twelve

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"I'm not telling you where we are going so you may as well give up... You'll find out soon enough" Brad chuckled

"Ugh fine" I sighed

"You'll like it though, I think" Brad replied, looking rather pleased with himself.

"Here" the taxi driver said.

Brad handed over the money as we got out.

I didn't have a clue where we were going.

"This way" Brad said.

We walked for about a minute and we came to a McDonalds.

"Here" Brad said.

I was expecting something completely different I don't know what but this wasn't it.

"Oh" I sighed walking in.

"I'm joking, I can't believe you fell for that" Brad said laughing.

"I hate you, I mean I wouldn't have minded a McDonalds but for a first official date" I laughed

"Turn around Georgia" Brad said

I turned around to see a restaurant, it looked beautiful.

"woah" I said.

"Shall we?" Brad asked as we linked arms.

The restaurant looked very expensive and I felt bad.

"Brad, you don't have to do this for me, I don't want you to waste a lot of money for somewhere nice for me, I feel really bad" I gulped

"Don't be silly, you mean the world to me and I just wanted to spoil you tonight, please don't feel bad, I love you" Brad said.

"If you're sure?" I replied.

"Positive" he chuckled.

It was such a nice restaurant I just felt bad, I knew how he felt about me, he didn't have to prove it to me. I've never been treated like this by a boy before and I guess I just wanted him to be sure about me before he spoilt me. I didn't want him to spoil me a lot though like when you see girls that are only with them for their money and demand everything. No. I'm with Brad because he loves me and I love him and I would be happy to sit at home with him and watch a movie rather than go out on a shopping spree.

"What are you having?" Brad asked.

"I think I'm going to have a margarita pizza with chips and a side order of coleslaw, what about you" I replied.

"Chicken burger with chips and also a side of coleslaw" he smiled.

The waiter came over to take our order "would you like any drinks with your meals" he asked.

"I'll have a fanta" I smiled.

"Me too" Brad said.

"Alright, I will bring the drinks over in a minute, the wait on food will be about fifteen minutes" The waiter said.

"What do you want to do after we have eaten" Brad said smiling.

"I think we should go back to the hotel, get some comfy clothes on, get in bed, talk and cuddle" I replied.

"Sounds like a plan" Brad said.

I'm so lucky, I can't help but think about how lucky I am. I have Brad as my boyfriend, he's literally the best boyfriend you could ask for. I have James, Tris and Connor as my best male friends and then I have Kara and Lucy as my best female friends. I couldn't wish for anything more.

I was worried though, worried that my mum and dad would come back to brads to get me. I guess that if they did then Brad would have to call the police this time because I am 16 I am able to live at Brads so it would be abduction.

Dreams - A Bradley Will Simpson Fanfic (The Vamps)Where stories live. Discover now