Chapter Eight

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"Holy crap" Brad said... "I've been wanting to do that for so long" he laughed. "Really?" I asked him. "Yes Georgia, I just didn't know how it when to tell you so when you leaned in I couldn't refuse" brad said with a huge smile on his face.

"I've been wanting to do it for ages too but I didn't want it to come between our friendship" I replied. "Shall we watch another film?" Brad said. "Yeah! Can we watch the hunger games again?" I asked. "Hmm, go on then, because I love you" he chuckled, making me smile.

He put the film on as I sat down and got wrapped up in the covers waiting for him... "Hurry up" I moaned... He took forever this boy. "Want any snacks" he shouted through from the kitchen. "I'm still from earlier" I laughed.

Brad came through and sat next to me cuddling me. "Can I kiss you" he asked. "No" I said trying to keep a serious face, his face dropped, he looked so upset, "of course you can you muppet" I laughed as his face brightened up.

He gave the best kisses ever, they were so long and passionate. They gave me the worst butterfly's ever! He was amazing.

We cuddled through all of the film and then decided to just lay and talk. We stopped talking and Brad had fell asleep. He looked so cute sleeping. I decided to cuddle into him and try to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of knocking at the door "Brad, Brad, wake up quick" as Brad was waking up I went to unlock the door but I couldn't find the key so I asked Brad "BRAD SOMEONES HERE I NEED THE KEY" I presumed it was one of the boys or Anne. "Here you go" Brad said. "About time you lazy shit" I laughed.

I opened the door and I was shocked, it was my Mum and Dad. "Georgia you're coming with us to London weather you like it or not" my Dad said going to grab me. I tried to shut the door but he put his foot in the door meaning I couldn't shut it, Brad was helping me but we couldn't do it, mum and dad pushed their way in and Dad grabbed me. "BRADD, please help me" I screamed. I tried to fight my way out kicking and screaming but there was nothing I could do. "GEORGIA" Brad shouted running after me. "You can't to this, you won't do this" he said, I saw that he had tears running down his face. Dad got mum to open the door so he could put me in "I LOVE YOU BRAD" I shouted at the top of my voice, chocking on my tears. "I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE IN THE WORLD" he shouted back.

"Dad why are you doing this, you don't care about me so why can't I just stay with brad and his family, they care about me and I care about them" I scoffed at dad. "I don't want you to be happy, I want you to suffer how you caused me and your mum too"

I didn't know what he meant by this at all, I haven't made them suffer. I'm good at home, school, I don't go to parties etc... The only place I go is Brads? Maybe if my 'parents' put more effort in with me it wouldn't have got to this.

I couldn't stop crying, what if I don't see brad again I thought, I don't even know where they're taking me. This wasn't the way home! We were driving for over and hour and a half before we stopped. "Where are we" I asked Dad. "We're about half way to London" he smirked, Clearly very pleased with himself. "Where are we now?" I asked trying not to cry again. "The service station, go for a wee with your mother and don't be long" he said.

I needed to get away and this might be the only way... The only chance I have to make a run for it.


Brads P*O*V

Oh my god, what the hell just happened... This time an hour ago everything was perfect, we had shared our first 2 kisses, we had told each other how we felt. It was amazing.

I can't believe that they had come and taken her how they did. The first thing I did was ring James and tell him what had happened and he said that he would drive down with tris and Connor straight away. Then while I was waiting I rang my Mum and told her what had happened, she also was coming home.

James got here and we got in the car, the first thing we should do is try her house "go to we house james" I practically shouted. "On it Brad, have you been crying" he asked. "Urm, yeah... It's a long story" I replied trying to avoid the subject. "Come on bud, we got time" Con said. "Ugh, fine. Me and Georgia we... We urm, we kissed, twice. We told each other how we felt about each other and it was perfect, then this happened and now she's gone and I don't know when I will see her again" I said, trying so hard to keep back the tears. "Finally! We've been waiting for you to tell her how you feel about her!" James smiled.

We arrived at her house and the car wasn't there and all the lights were off. I jumped out and looked through the windows and everything was gone, no... They had taken her to London, there's no chance of finding her now. "James we need to nip to mine and you guys' house, get some clothes and money... Were off to London" I said. "Are you crazy?" James said "am I crazy? No I'm just worried about my best friend being kind of abducted by her crazy family" I said, angrily. "He has got a point James, you know what they're capable of" Tristan said to James. "Looks like were off to London" James smiled.

I had tried ringing Georgia but her phone must have been confiscated. This is going to be the hardest thing I have ever had to do but I know for sure we can do it.

I got to my house and went in to get some stuff with the boys, Mum was home by this point so she said she would follow us boys in her car so that she could help us look for her. "Brad, Kara's here" Mum shouted through. "Okay, is she coming?" I asked "yeah, she want to help look for Georgia" mum replied.

If you're wondering who Kara is then she's Georgia's best-friend, well one of them... Georgia's other best friend Lucy is on holiday right now and had no clue what was going on. I walks into Kara, she was a mess, mascara everywhere "I didn't even get to say goodbye" Kara cried into my shoulder. "Don't worry, we will get her back... I promise" I said, hoping that I was right.


Sorry it's not a very long chapter but I needed to update today, it's short bc I've been babysitting app afternoon... On weekdays it's only going to be one update but weekends I'll do 3/4 each day.


The character Kara is based on one of my twitter friends @karamursx go follow her she's fabulous

Yeah urm I hope you liked it:)

-Georgia x

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