Chapter Two

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This car journey seemed to take forever, I didn't know where we were going, all I knew was that I was going to find out some news, and I'm dreading it, I literally have butterfly's in my stomach, I'm so nervous. I don't know what to expect.

As Dad pulled up I looked out of my window, "McDonalds, are you serious?" I wailed to my parents who were now giving me the filthiest look I have ever received, "if looks could kill, I would be dead right now" I chuckled, my parents didn't find this funny, they don't find anything funny, I can't remember the last time I saw one or my parents smile.

As we entered McDonalds I was still kinda nervous but I tried to push it to the back of my mind. It can't be anything big because if it had of been they wouldn't have brought me out to tell me would they?

"Georgia, what meal would you like" I didn't even want food right now I thought. "I'll have a chicken nugget happy meal" I replied to Dad. "Georgia you're 16, I'm not getting you a kids meal, stop being stupid and tell me what you want" he was pissing me off at this point, I felt like if I had any food I would throw it back up as I was that nervous about what I was about to be told, even though it could be nothing, I worry way too much!

"GEORGIA, WHAT DO YOU WANT TO EAT?" My Dad shouted at me, quickly snapping me out of my deep thought about what I may be about to get told. "For God sake Dad, I'll have a sweet chilli wrap meal" I said, I know they knew I was worried and pissed off so they were trying to make it worse, you see I can read my parents like a book.

Dad returned with the food and there was an awkward silence at the table. After about 5/10 minutes I decided to break the silence with "so, what's this important news you made me get up for?" Mum and Dad looked at each other and said nothing. "Well?" I said, still waiting for an answer... "Georgia, your Dad has got a promotion at work..." Mum said. "Wow, okay, you've brought me here and made me get up at 8am to tell me that Dad has had a promotion,wow" I crossed my arms and put my head down on the table. "That's not all we wanted to tell you" Dad replied. All the worry I had had previously had just returned.

"I think you'll like the news" mum said, butting in. "Georgia, part of the promotion means that you, me and your Dad have to move to London" I almost choked on my chip at what my Mum had just told me. "LONDON" I screamed, earning a few looks from people around. "NOT A CHANCE, IS THIS SERIOUS, PLEASE TELL ME YOURE JOKING"

Mum and Dad exchanged another look "I thought you would like it Georgia" mum looked confused, she genuinely though I would be happy about this. "Wow" I scoffed. "You genuinely thought that I would be fine with moving didn't you?"

"Yes..." Mum replied. "what do you expect me to do? LEAVE EVERYTHING?" I said as my voice was raising. "EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE YOU REALLY WANT ME TO LEAVE IT ALL BEHIND FOR SOME SHITTY JOB PROMOTION, YOU GUYS ARE EVEN MORE SELFISH THAN I THOUGHT" I shouted at the top of my voice, everyone in McDonalds was now staring as I ran outside.

As I made my way out the tears started to fall. This means I have to leave everything, I know you'll probably be thinking London's not that far but I see my friends all the time and if I was in London it would be months without seeing them and I couldn't cope with that.

Birmingham isn't that bad of a place, I loved it here! I didn't want to move away, they couldn't make me! I could live with brad? No... I couldn't expect his mum to allow me to live there, even though we have an amazing relationship, this is taking it too far, I thought. I guess I have no choice but to go to London and leave Birmingham behind.

I didn't know where to go, I pulled out my phone it only had 22% left. I unlocked my phone and went to text Brad but he had already texted me


Hey Georgia, so when we seeing each other? It's felt like years! Never spending 4 days away from you again! Miss you:) x

I was trying to hold in my tears but reading that text made the tears fall faster and they wouldn't stop. 'Never spending 4 days away from you again' I kept reading it back, how can I tell him, he's my bestfriend!

Brad's house from here was about 20 minutes in the car but on foot it would take about an hour, I was going to get the bus but realised I had no money. I had no choice but to walk, not a chance am I going back to my parents.

As I started to walk, I was still in floods of tears, I didn't know what to do and I couldn't leave brad, I couldn't do it. Me and Brad, we are so close and nope, I can't think about it because every time I do the tears come faster than before.


Sorry for the short chapter guys, I'm just trying to get the story going, probably the hardest part! I hope you all like it, please comment/vote, in the comments include what I could do in the upcoming chapters, tell me what you would like to see! Thankyou.

-Georgia x

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