Chapter Eleven

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"Wake up Georgia" Brad said. He had a weird sence of eagerness and excitment in his voice.

"ugh, whattt" I groaned.

"Get up, we are going out sight seeing and then I am taking you on our first official date" He replied.

I couldn't help but smile, it was the best way to be woken up finding out that we were going on a date ahhh.

"Brad, get some clothes on" I laughed

"okay, just hurry up and get ready. We have a long and fabulous day ahead of us" he said running to the bathroom.

I got up and started to get dressed, Brad had brought some of my clothes with him incase he did find me so I went and had a look, he had brought me my favourite clothes. He knew me too well.  I pulled out one of my favourite tops, it was pretty ordinary but it was comfy and it was casual at the same time, I also pulled out a plain pair of leggings, I knew there was no point in getting overly dressed up for the date because it didn't matter how we looked, we were going to be together that's all that mattered. I took my hair out of my ponytail and just let it fall naturaly, I have long brown wavy hair, I then pulled on my red vans, I was finally ready.

Brad still wasn't ready "hurry up you tit, you was rushing me" I giggled. "shut up you, it takes time to get my curls perfect" he said laughing. He opened the door and I saw him look my body up and down "you amaze me, you don't even try to look nice but you end up looking absolutley flawless" he said with his eyes wide open. "well Mr Simpson, you don't look too bad yourself" I blushed.

We started to walk out of the hotel room, we were staying there overnight again tonight so we just left our things in our room. "Where are the others?" I asked Brad. "They are all waiting for us in the lobby downstairs" He replied.  We made our way down, we decided to take the lift, we selected ground floor and Brad turned me around "I love you, last night was amazing, being able to cuddle you to sleep and wake up next to you knowing that you was finally my girlfriend" he said blushing. "I love you too, more than you'll ever know" I replied, standing on my tiptoes kissing him. We were interupted by the lift doors opening.

"Finally, the lovebirds arrive" James laughed. "shut up" Brad blushed, playfully punching James in the arm. "I need the toilet, ill be literally two minutes" I said. "I need it too, going to be a long day and the queues for toilets in London will most likely be massive" Kara replied, following me.

I knew that Kara just wanted to tell me what had happened last night between her and James as I hadnt checked my phone as it was on charge all night and this morning I was too busy getting ready. "So then, spill the beans" I laughed. "I didn't tell him" Kara sighed. "why? He likes you... I told you this last night" I said. "I know he does" she said smirking. "Kara, I'm confused?" I replied. "Well as you know last night we had to share a bed and I was going to tell him I liked him but I was too scared so we went to bed, we were laid back to back and everything was awkward but after about ten minutes he said my name, I asked him what was up and he was like I don't know how to tell you this but I have kept it from you for over a year. I didn't know what he was about to say at all but then he said it, Im in love with you, I turned around and kissed him, and then we went to sleep. Georgia it was amazing" She said without taking a breath. "calm down" I said, running over to her and hugging her. "Im so fucking happy for you guys" I said. "James said the only reason he told me was because you and Brad had finally got together, I mean we all knew that Brad and you liked each other but when you got together he realised it was about time he told me, so thankyou" she replied. "don't be silly" I replied.

We made our way back over to the boys, Anne wasn't coming with us, she had things to be doing. We decided we was going to go on a roofless bus all around London so we could see the sights before mine and Brads date later on that night.

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