Chapter Five

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"Georgia, Brad" wake up I heard a familiar voice say. "JAMES" I said springing up out of bed giving him a huge hug.

"What are you doing here" I gasped, "we have band practice, tris and con aren't here yet though, Anne told me to come up and get this little up" James replied. I was really happy to see him, James was another one of my best-friends, I was really close to James but I was closer to Brad.

"Georgia, have you been crying?" James said as he looked at my messy mascara and bloodshot eyes. "Um, yeah" James looked upset and concerned "what's up, why was you crying?" I didn't know what to reply to him, I don't want him to be upset too, but I guess he was going to find out sooner or later.

"James... I have to move to London" I said, trying my best not to cry and avoiding eye contact.

James didn't say anything, everything was silent for a while until I looked up at him, his mouth was wide open, he was shocked and upset, I could see it in his eyes.

"When" James said. "7days" I replied.

"A WEEK! Why are you moving?"he shouted. " Dad got a job promotion and for him to take it we all have to move up to London" I said, trying not to cry. "But, you're one of my best friends, I can't loose you" he said, I could see him trying not to cry. He pulled me in for a hug and I didn't want to let go. I wanted to wake up and these past few days just have been a dream, but I knew this wasn't a dream, this was reality.

We pulled away from the hug, he placed his hands on my cheeks and he pulled my head forward and planted a soft kiss on my head, "I love you Gee" he said. "I love you too."

Brad woke up and looked at us. "Feeling any better" he said coming over and hugging me. "Not really" I replied. I pulled away from the hug because there was a knock at the door "that will be tris and con right?" I said.

"Yeah" James mumbled.

Oh shit, no they're going to find out, I'm going to have to break the news to them as well. "James, Brad... Could you tell Connor and Tristan for me? I can't go through it again"

"Yeah, sure" James and Brad said at the same time. I turned to them and gave them a half smile before running over to the two of them and pulling them into a group hug "thank-you so much, I love you both lots" I tried not to start crying again. "We love you too" they replied before walking off.


I had fell asleep on Brads bed again, I think I've slept so much today due to not sleeping last night. I turned around and there were 4 boys all sat on brads double bed waiting for me to wake up.

"Hey guys" I said. "You're not leaving Georgia" Connor said to me. All the boys looked genuinely upset. "I have no choice Connor, I don't want to go but what else can I do?" I said as I laid back down on the bed.

"I'm going to go home soon, I need to go and pack" I said as yet again another tear rolled down my face. "You're not going anywhere" Tristan said. "Stay here again, please Georgia, the boys and you stay over? We will watch films and chill, get a takeaway in or something? We want to spend as much time as possible with you before you go" he said smiling at me. I smiled back and agreed with him.

"Brad, I need some clothes, I only have that dress" I said looking at brad "urm, do you have your house key with you?" He said, "yeah I do, why?" I was confused. "Give it me, I'm going to get you some clothes" I chucked him my house key. "What if mum and dad are in" I said nervously... "And what if they are? Ill give them a piece of my mind" he said grinning. "James can you to with him for back up?" I laughed. "Yeah sure" James said, rising to the opportunity!


Brads P*O*V

We arrived at Georgia's house, her mum and Dad's cars weren't there so me and James made our way to her front door and opened it. As we walked in I locked the door behind us so if they did come back they wouldn't notice and we would just have to hide.

I went to Georgia's room and asked James to watch for her parents coming back out of the window downstairs. I knew where Georgia keeps everything because I used to come around a lot and at one point practically lived here.

I went to her wardrobe and emptied her draws that consisted of her bra's, pants and socks into a black bag, I then did the same with everything else, her shoes, clothes, jewellery, phone charger and make-up. I know that she only wanted a change of clothes but I didn't want her to go back home. Her parents they treat her like shit, she doesn't speak about what they used to do to her, her Dad hits her and her Mum, she doesn't care. I cared about Georgia, a lot. I couldn't let her come back here and to stop her moving I just have to tell my Mum the truth behind her parents.

"Brad hurry! I think they're back" James shouted up the stairs.

Oh shit I thought, I needed Georgia's money box, she has over £1700 in there and I knew that she worked hard for it, I noticed it on the windowsill and ran to get it. "BRAD" James shouted again "unlock the back door quickly" I shouted down to James. "I've unlocked it, now hurry" he replied as we heard the key enter the door "shit" I mumbled, "James help me get the bag out the door" I fell through the back door and James shut it after me. "Holy shit" we both said, laughing like crazy. "Woah that was close" James chuckled taking a deep breath.

"What's with the massive bag full? I thought she only wanted a change of clothes" he said looking confused. "She did but I can't let her go, I can't let her go back to her parents, not after what they did to her" I said. "What do you mean, what did they do to her?"

Oh shit, I thought "it doesn't matter" I replied "okay Brad, let's just get going"

We started walking, the bag had was really heavy, even when there was two of us carrying it. We decided to walk a few streets away and then call for a taxi. The taxi arrived to pick us up and we went back home .

I paid the driver and we went into my house.


What does everyone this so far?


Hope you're enjoying it:)

-Georgia x

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