Chapter Four

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"Brad, Brad" I mumbled still half asleep and I turned around and realised he wasn't there. I stood up and made my way down stairs, I could hear voices, those voices belonged to my parents.

Oh shit, I ran back up the stairs before anyone could see me and tried to listen into what they were saying.
"She has to come with us, we can't leave her here with you, that's ridiculous" my Mum screamed at Anne "she doesn't want to leave! Why are you making her do this? You expect her to leave everything behind, I knew you two were complete ass holes but wow"
I could hear the upset in Annes voice, but all I could hear in my mums was the anger and hate.

I decided to go down and tell my Mum what I thought "Mum, I'm not coming, also I'm not living with Anne, I can't put the weight of another mouth to feed on her shoulders, I don't know where I will go but it's not going to be London." After I said that Anne looked at me shocked "don't be silly! You can live here sweetie, it would be nice for all of us to have you around, you brighten the mood, it would honestly be a pleasure" she smiled. "Okay maybe for a little bit, but only a little bit, and that's if... That's is I can stay" my voice dropping, everyone could hear the disappointment in my voice.

"I am still here you know" my mum screeched in that annoying voice all mums do. "Your coming with us, you have 7 days until we leave so you better come home and pack" she said smugly.
"A WEEK! But Lucy is on holiday for another 9 days, that means I can't say goodbye" I said, fighting back the tears.
"I don't care about your stupid friends, you have 7 days" she reminded me.

You're probably wondering who Lucy is, Lucy is my best friends, we have been friends since I was 3, that's 13 years, how am I supposed to just pack up and leave her behind, her family were like my 3rd family, when I'm not with Brad and his I'm with Lucy and hers, I can't do this. I can't even text her or ring her to tell her I'm going, she's going to return and I'll be gone!

I ran back up the stairs and into Brads room, I walked into his room, laid on his bed and broke down crying, they can't make me do this, I'm not going I kept thinking trying to convince myself even though I know I have to go.

"Georgia" Brad said, the concern in his voice was easily heard. "What's happened" he pulled me into a hug, as he did so his towel fell off so he was hugging my naked and he hadn't realised. "Brad" I chuckled, "what?" He replied "um... You're naked..." I burst out laughing, he hadn't even realised that he was practically naked. "Oh well, it's only you" he said smirking and gave me another hug "BRAD, get some clothes on" I said laughing. "Okay,okay... I'll go get dressed while you do your hair or whatever to need to do then ill make us a bacon Sandwich and we can sit in bed and you can tell me why you were crying"

This is what I don't get about Brad, he can make me happy without trying, just by being himself he makes me happy and most of the time when I'm around him I can't help but smile. His mum and Dad had the same effect on me, it would be amazing to live here, I practically did anyway!

Brad was downstairs making breakfast so I decided to check my twitter, I checked my notifications to see a tweet that once again made me smile.

Hate seeing my best friend upset, just want her to be smiling again! I love you @sparklygeorgia_ :) x

I replied;

@Thevampsbrad this made me smile!:) I love you too brad, now hurry up with breakfast;) x

I went and quickly had a shower. I got out and tied my hair up into a high pony tail, I pulled out another one of brads hoodies and sat on his bed waiting, almost instantly he came in with our breakfast "wow, I thought we were just having a bacon sandwich" I said looking at the massive portion in front of me. "Well I was going to, but then I thought why not go all out for my best friend, eh?" He chuckled. "Thankyou Brad" I said, looking at him and giving him a half smile.

I couldn't stop thinking about it, '7 days, 7 days, 7 days' it just kept going around in my head. Brad didn't even know I had 7 days left, I decided I'm going to tell him when I have eaten my breakfast. "Jesus Brad, that was so nice, should cook more often" I said "are you joking" he replied "no, Brad I could eat it again, it was perrrrfection" I said, Brad chuckled.

"B..brad" I said hesitating when I did so. "Um, yeah?" Brad replied looking a tad worried, "I have to go to London and were moving in 7 days" I said looking down and my now empty plate.
His face dropped, "Georgia, please tell me you're joking, I can't let you go, u can't loose you, you mean the absolute world to me, please stay with us"
"Brad. You know my parents won't allow that. I don't want to go, I don't want to loose you brad you mean so much to me and ugh I don't know" I replied ones again the tears started to fall, not just from me but also brad too.

"Don't cry Brad" I said looking into his big hazel eyes, I pulled him in for a hug, we hugged for what felt like forever, crying into each other's shoulder. Brad laid down on his bed "come here" he said, I laid down on his chest and brad kissed my head "I can't loose you Georgia, I won't loose you" he mumbled "I love you Bradley will Simpson" I said. "I love you more" Brad replied.


Brads P*O*V

I couldn't loose her, this couldn't be happening, this girl meant more than anything else in the world to me, we have been best friends for over 10 years, she is everything I could ask for in a friend.

When she told me that she had 7 days left I didn't know what to do, I knew she would be able to stay if it was up to mum but with it being down to her parents, not a chance! I still tried to reassure her though, I can't have her being upset, it hurts me knowing she's hurt.

I've always hated her parents but this has made me hate them a lot more than before. They think they can take her away from everything for some job promotion her dad got, I don't find it fair, how can it be fair?

They obviously don't care about her future as they're making her move to a complete different place 3 weeks before her final exams. Georgia is a year younger than me, she recently turned 16 as I recently turned 17, as I did my exams last year and got B's in everything except maths where I got an A I was helping Georgia study, she wanted to get the grades she was capable of.

When Georgia sleeps over we always share my bed but usually sleep back to back however, last night she cuddled me, she told me she loved me.
Last night has made me wonder if I do love her as more than a friend. When she cuddled me I had butterfly's in my stomach and I could sleep from staring at her beautiful face, how could I let her go. I think I love her.

I've felt like this for months but I think last night confirmed how much I really do love her. I couldn't tell her this though as were best friends, so I guess I just have to be there for her and be her best friend.


I really hope you like this chapter, I hope you enjoyed getting to know Brad as a character!

Please comment/vote!

I need your advise on weather to make Brad and Georgia a couple!

I really hope you liked it:)

-Georgia x

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