Chapter Three

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I set off walking at 11am and it's now 12.40pm and I'm still not there, I guess it's because I was walking slowly thinking about London and brad then back to London and then brad again.

I could now see brads house, I had received so many glares whilst walking to Brads, no wonder, I had mascara absolutely everywhere. I obviously still had the black dress on from earlier and I was freezing! I just hope brads in.

As I reached his door, I couldn't bring myself to knock, I sat on his doorstep and tried to calm myself down and bring myself to knock but I couldn't. I reached for my phone to text him and tell him I was outside but it had died.

I stood up and took a deep breath, I held my hand up and knocked on Brads door, I was waiting about 30 seconds but them 30 seconds honestly felt like about 30 minutes, Brads Mum opened the door.

"Georgia sweetie, what's the matter? Come in and sit down" Brads Mum said to me, I walked in and instead of going to sit down I gave her a huge hug and cried into her shoulder. Brads Mum put more effort in with me than my own mum does. I probably trust her a lot more than my mum too.

"Come on" she said, pulling away from the hug after a minute or so. "Wipe away then tears, I hate seeing you upset darling, tell me what's wrong" I tried telling her what was wrong but I was choking on my tears, "my mum and D..Dad..." I said breaking down again. "Take a deep breath, then tell me" she said, I looked at her and she looked so concerned. I took a deep breath and let it all out "My Mum and Dad, they're making me move to London, my Dad's got a job promotion and we have to go" I said, once again choking on my tears.

"What!!" She said, "they can't do this, they know how much you have around here and you have your exams and everything coming up in the next few months, when are you going" I looked at her, she looked gutted "I... I don't know" I replied.

"Georgia" I heard a familiar voice say. "What's up are you okay?" Brad ran towards me and pulled me in for a hug and I cried into his shoulder. He must have realised I had started crying harder because he held me tighter.

I tried to speak but once again the tears had got the better of me.

"Georgia, do you want me to tell him?"

I nodded to Anne (brads mum) and pulled away from mine and Brad's hug.

"Umm... Brad" Anne gulped. Brad looked so worried and scared "spit it out mum you're making me worried now" I could see Anne had tears in her eyes, that made me want to cry more. "Georgia's Dad got a promotion at work... She has to move to London"

Everything was quiet, Brad turned to me, he blinked and tears fell down his cheeks. "L...London" he said, "but that's hour away... Do you have to go?"

"I think so" I gulped. Brad stood up and sat next to me, he looked me in the eyes and said "we will sort something out Georgia, I promise! You're not going anywhere" he said trying to reassure me as he pulled me in for another hug, this time we cried into each other's shoulders, that's when I realised how much he actually meant to me and how much I meant to him.


Brad gave me some makeup wipes and I wiped away all the mascara off my face and obviously the rest of my makeup, brad lent me a hoodie and a pair of his jeans so we could walk his dog Jesse. We walked to the park, I have to admit, brad took my mind of the whole London thing.

We didn't mean to be out for so long but when we got home it was 8pm and Anne was watching the tv, me and brad sat down, me leaning on his shoulder and he had his arm around me cuddling into me.

Anne had left the room, when she came back she gave us both a hot chocolate and pointed to the films "brad, run upstairs and get a quilt, Georgia, choose a film, I've put you a pepperoni pizza in, your favourite, goodnight you two!" Anne said leaving to go upstairs. I shouted her "Anne, wait" she turned around and I ran to her and gave her a hug, "thankyou" I said to Anne, "don't worry Georgia, you and brad watch a film and chill out, stuff your faces and then go to bed and see how you feel in the morning" She smiled at me, I smiled back "goodnight Anne" "goodnight Georgia" she replied.

"Have you chosen a film yet?" Brad said running down the stairs with his quilt in his hands. "Yup, I've chosen the hunger games" I replied. "Good choice Georgia! You see this is why we're friends, great minds think alike, eh?" Brad chuckled.

I walked over to Brad, I looked at him, and stared into his big hazel eyes, he hugged me, tight, "I love you Gee" he whispered in my ear. He pulled away from the hug and kissed my forehead.

"I love you too" I replied, smiling.


Me and Brad were laid on his sofa, my head on his lap as we were watching the film, it was at the bit of the film where rue dies, I was trying not to cry but then the tears fell and I sniffled, Brad noticed and looked up, "don't cry" he said wiping away my tears.

Me and Brad aren't usually like this, I mean yeah we watch films and cuddle but usually we are taking the piss out of each other, making jokes and constantly laughing. I knew brad was a little softie but I didn't realise how much of a softie he was until today, I smiled to myself and kissed him on the cheek before cuddling into him more.


"Georgia...Georgia?" Brad whispered, gently shaking me. "Yeah" I mumbled, "come on lets get you upstairs" brad laughed "wh...what time is it Brad?" I said half asleep "it's 2.45am, we both fell asleep and I woke up 15 minutes ago but I didn't want to wake you" by this time I was awake and looking at brad smiling like crazy, I don't know what it is about this boy but he doesn't have to do much to make me smile!

"Turn around" Brad said. "What why?" I asked cautiously, but I did what he said, he bent down and picked me up. "Brad put me down" I squealed. "No, never" he laughed but he put my down, we stood across from each other looking into each other's eyes.

It was like from a movie where the boy now leans in and kisses her, I thought no, this can't happen, he's my best friend for god sake! So before it did I needed something to say "do you have an iPhone 5 charger I can borrow, I don't have mine with me" I asked. "Why are you asking me you fool you know I do" he laughed. "I forgot okay" I said smirking.

We made our way upstairs and into brad's bedroom, I took off the jeans I was wearing but kept ok the hoodie to sleep in, brad slept in his boxers.

"Goodnight Georgia" brad said, planting a kiss on my cheek before laying on his back so I could rest my head on his chest. "I love you, thankyou for today" I said smiling at him. "I love you too Georgia, you don't have to thank me, now get some sleep and see how you feel in the morning, goodnight"


I hope you liked this chapter, I didn't really know what to include in this, sorry! This is where it is hopefully going to start getting better, I've almost got into the story properly I just need more ideas on new characters I can bring into the book? Help!!

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Let me know what you think of it so far!

-Georgia x

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