No Shame

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Word Count: 2,179
Summary: You start the boy's tour off not feeling well thanks to Mother Nature. With your relationship being so new, you are embarrassed and nervous as to how Matty will react when you need his help.

It was your first time touring with the boys.

Being the new girlfriend of their lead singer, Matty, you were brought along with much excitement. Everyone was eager for you to see what their lives on the road were like, to learn what made Matty so addicted to the feel of the crowd and the constant nightly performance. Frankly, you were just as excited to see it. You were falling in love with Matty. Getting to see what made him tick and what gave his life joy and a purpose made your heart soar. You were excited at any prospect that led you to feel that way. Touring with him was exactly what the doctor ordered.

Of course, nothing could ever be easy. On the first day, after you all packed and were on your way in the big tour bus, your stomach began hurting. Not only hurting, but being upset. You felt sick to your stomach. Accompanying it all was fatigue, and moodiness. You feared you knew the cause all too well. A headache that pierced your head all but confirmed your thoughts. To kick off the new tour, you were getting your period and all of its hellfire and mischief. You wanted to throw something, it pissed you off so much. Of all the times, in all the places. You were just thankful you even remembered to pack something just in case this happened.

Getting up out of your shared bunk with Matty, you waddled over to your bathroom supplies, grabbed a tampon, and prepared for the worst. Sure enough, your cramps hit and the time had come. Mother Nature decided fully that it was the time of the month to fuck you over. Groaning, you went about your business and shook your head. This was the worst. How would you be able to explain to Matty why you felt like death the next day? You wondered how he handled things with his past girlfriends, if he was someone who was very caring during this time or a man who preferred to pretend like it was never happening. Cursing a serious cramp, you prayed he was the former. It would truly make everything easier, after all, to have your boyfriend giving you an easier time. It wasn't like you forced this to happen. Hell, you would never have it if you had your choice. No girl wanted it.

You hoped Matty knew this and understood it as you heard a knock at the door, followed by him mumbling something to you about needing to piss. Biting your lip, you tried to wrap everything up and get up as fast as you could. It was not so simple, however. As you stood, you got a really bad cramp and doubled over, a small cry escaping you. Another knock sounded. This time, it was followed by Matty opening the door to a crack, still giving you privacy even though his concern was overriding it.

"Love, is everything okay?"

Your face grew red. "I...I'll be alright, Matty. Just give me a sec-owww!"

"Screw it, I'm coming in."

The door opened, and Matty appeared, sleepy and dazed in long pajamas. He looked cuddly, a true sweetheart if you had ever seen one. On any other occasion, you would be all over him, wrapping your arms around him and enjoying his warmth. This occasion was different. You felt in no mood to even have him look at you, you were so embarrassed. That did not stop Matty from strolling over to you and helping you sit down, shutting the toilet seat down for you. His hand gently cupped your cheek, bringing you up to look at him. The concern on his face was well evident, even given how sleepy he felt.

"What made you cry out like that?"

You clutched your abdomen. "S-Stomach ache," you lied. Matty looked to believe it for a second, until he saw the wrapper for your tampon sitting idle on the counter. The look he gave you was not unlike the way a mother would scold their child. You could only hang your head, a blush taking over your cheeks. Now, you were caught in your lie and embarrassed. You were not sure if it was the pain, the hormones, or the embarrassment that made you want to cry more. A tear escaped. Matty was quick to wipe it away.

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