Domestic Bliss

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Word Count: 1,484
Summary: "Just wondering if you'd be able to do a really fluffy Matty oneshot where he's looking after you in your final stages of pregnancy? You're both so excited to welcome your baby girl, so he's giving you lots of cuddles/kissing your tummy etc? Just think it would be the cutest ever ah!"

"Look, I love you and our baby and all, but this obsession you have with mint ice cream better go away after she's born, otherwise I'm protesting."

Giggling on your spot on the couch, you happily took the fresh pint of ice cream from Matty's hand as he joined you at your side. Life was great for the two of you. You were entering your eighth month of pregnancy, with a big happy tummy and a happy, healthy baby girl growing inside you. Not even born yet, she was already the light of your world. You adored her and her little movements inside you. She was like a little best friend, and you wanted nothing more than for your last month to safely hurry along so that you could meet her.

For Matty, the sentiments were much the same. Fresh off of a long tour, he had a good seven months intended for album creating where he could be there for you and for his little girl. He loved her so much, growing so excited about her that he would mention her between sets, preaching to the audiences how he could not wait to spoil her rotten. Now in a position to, he was spending every moment doing so. You had to pull him away from her nursery one night to keep him from staying up until ungodly hours decorating it. She had a nursery fit for a queen, and a father intent on treating her no less than such. You happily appreciated all of his work.

"Stop fussing, it's not that bad," you chided him gently, diving your spoon into the bright green tub. "The baby wants it, anyway. Are you really going to fight with your own daughter about ice cream?"

"If she's going to have piss poor taste in it, then yes," he replied, dramatically averting his eyes and scoffing to make you laugh. He was really intent on making you laugh more and more as time went on. You believed it was because of how excited he was to see the baby - his good mood made him want to share it with everyone, like a merry king. You also felt like it had something to do with guilt. The more Matty read up on actual childbirth, the more he seemed to feel sorry for the pain you were going to go through. Making you smile now seemed to be his way of making up for the anguish later.

"How is the little one?"

"Kicking away like usual," you said proudly, scooping a spoonful of ice cream into your mouth as Matty's hand moved to your stomach to feel. "She feels really strong today. Must be all this mint ice cream."

"Don't put thoughts like that into her head."

You giggled, placing your hand on top of Matty's. "Is she putting on a show for you?"

"Feels like it," he softly murmured, his ear moving to listen right next to his hand. A kick hit him in the cheek, making the both of you laugh, you 'till you cried. Matty only shook his head, his face going red. "You've got an MMA fighter in there."

"I think she's mad at you for dissing her favorite dish."

"You keep on about that and I won't be getting it for either of you again."

Smiling, you reached over and messed up Matty's curls. "You love us too much to do that."

"Yeah, well."

"Have you thought up any names for her yet?"

The debate of what your little bundle of joy's name would be had been going on for weeks. After a lot of back and forth, it was decided that you would get to choose the middle name, and Matty would get to choose the first name. Matty, determined to find the perfect name, had been deliberating nonstop on tour. You already had a middle name picked out, Rose. Rose had been your go-to name for years, and you always knew that if you had a girl, she would somehow have that name. All you had to do was wait for Matty to come up with something good to fit with it. The thing was, during tour, he did not seem to have any inspiration. Now, with him back home and in a writing mood anyway from working on the new album, you figured some inspiration would come. The downtrodden look on his face told you before he could speak that it had not.

"There just doesn't seem to be a name perfect enough for her," he grumbled, folding his arms and pouting like a child. "I hardly know her, too. What if she's a girly girl and we give her a name that doesn't properly reflect her? Or what if she's all emo and we give her a name like 'Lily' or 'Elizabeth'? It would not fit and I'd regret it all her life."

"I'm sure whatever you pick out for her will be lovely," you soothed, "and she will love you for it no matter what. Even if she ends up all emo like you."

"That's a terror."

"What, only one Healy can be emo?" you spoke, grinning at him. Matty pouted some more, though he looked more playful than before.

"Yeah. It's me. It's my brand."

Taking another spoonful of your ice cream, you shook your head. "I'm going to have my work cut out for me if she is any bit as dramatic as you. I'll have to be calling up George to take care of you so I can watch over her."

"I'm not that dramatic."

"Say that to any one of your fans and they'd probably slap you."

"...alright, fair point."

Stretching out, Matty rested his head on your lap. As he laid and rubbed at your tummy, you continued to eat and twirled his curls around your fingers. The true sight of domestic bliss. Kissing your tummy, Matty let out a soft sigh.

"One day, I'm going to find you the most beautiful name, baby girl. It will be perfect for whatever you decided to do with yourself, and it will be just as beautiful as I know you are." He placed another kiss. "You are so special to me."

You smiled. "You're so special to her too, Matty. You're already such a good dad."

"I hope she has your eyes."

"Why not yours?"

"Yours are prettier than mine," he replied, now drawing circles on your stomach with his finger. "They're softer. I think they would suit her better."

"Well then I hope she has your hair," you countered, your fingers weaving their way through his curls.

"Why would you wish this mop on her?"

"Because contrary to what you say, it's actually really, really pretty." Matty rolled his eyes in disbelief, only to yelp and backtrack when you pulled them slightly. Giggling, you patted his cheek. "I think no matter how we look, she'll still come out gorgeous. She's so loved."

Matty looked at you tenderly. "Yeah, you're right. She is." He paused. Then, he had an epiphany. "That's it! Love! Her name should have something to do with love!" And that was the start of it. Jumping off of your lap, Matty rushed to find his phone. When he did, he paced back and forth scrolling through it, scrolling long enough that you finished your paint and started to drift off to sleep in his absence. Right when it seemed as if you would be able to nap, Matty let out a triumphant 'A-ha!' and ran over to you. He placed a hand on your bump.

"Amorette," he told you, his eyes sparkling. "It's French and means 'little love'. Don't you think that that is perfect?"

"Amorette Rose Healy." Nodding, you smiled and pulled Matty in for a kiss. "It's so beautifully unique. See, I told you that you would be able to find the best name for her. It's both strong and sweet. She'll love it."

"I hope she does," he cooed, rubbing your belly. "Do you like that one, love? Do you like the name Amorette Rose?"

In a fit of fate, the little baby kicked right as Matty asked. Grinning at each other, you realized that it was perfect. The little girl, be she covered in curls or with your soft eyes, would be called Amorette Rose. Bringing Matty close to you, you cuddled into his arms and kissed along his jawline.

"I love you so much, Matty. Having a baby with you will be the best adventure I'll ever have with you."

Smiling, Matty kissed you back. "I love you too, beautiful. I'll never be able to thank you enough for giving me this chance at being a father. I will do everything I can to protect you and little Amorette."

"And I'll love you for it. Even if you still hate our desert choices."

You both smiled.

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