How Lucky You Were

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Word Count: 587
Summary: You get diagnosed with an illness. After trying to hide it, you realize that instead of turning the man you love away, he is the one person you need the most.

Life can be a real bitch.

It's a real bitch getting diagnosed with something that is not easily curable, but not cancer. When people hear cancer, concern is immediate, help is immediate, everything is suddenly immediate, and centered around you. Other diagnoses? Not as instant, or respected. At least, that was what you felt like was the case the moment you got diagnosed with a curable, yet still annoying, stomach illness.

It felt more like an annoyance than a serious issue. You did not want to burden others with knowing because you felt like it was a burden. If you told others, the boys, Matty, you were afraid you would get them worried for nothing. They did not have to panic over you when what you had was so curable. They had no need to. You could get through this quietly and on your own.

Or at least, you thought you could. But then, halfway into a few of the weeks of your treatment, you were faced with pain. Not the normal pain you were used to feeling, but bad pain. Your doctors had warned you of this possibly happening, but given how tolerable past pain from your meds had been, you had passed it off as being nothing to worry about. Feeling like your stomach was nearly about to tear you in two, keeping it a secret was no longer an option you wished to entertain. You needed Matty by your side.

He arrived within minutes of your text. Seeing you doubled over in pain on your couch, he frowned and rushed to your side. This was the immediate concern and help you had wanted all along. His arms brought you close, almost cradling you into his chest.

"What the hell is happening?"

Between the pain, you explained it all to him. The diagnosis, the annoying meds you had to take that, though they hurt you, would eventually rid you of the illness, the reason why you never told him - it all came out. Matty only held onto you tighter. There were tears and whispered I love yous poured into your hair, but one phrase of his stood out to you the most: "We're going to get you through this."

And he did just that, to your amazement. Sure, it was a pain to have to go back and forth between touring, recording, and your appointments, but Matty made it happen. When he could not be there, he was texting you asking if you were okay, letting you know that he could have someone bring you whatever you needed to feel better at the drop of a hat if you desired it. You were made his top priority. You loved him for it.

And, the moment you walked out of the hospital on your last day of treatment, where the doctor had given you the good news that your illness appeared to be gone, you were greeted with not just Matty, but the rest of the band, your family, and your friends. You were treated to a party, a celebration just for you, celebrating you finally being free to be yourself again. Matty did not want you to spend one moment of your ordeal without knowing how much love and support you had. Kissing him as soon as you got to his side, you were more than happy to return the favor. Life could be a real bitch, and yet you had a man like Matty in it: loving, caring, supportive.

How lucky you were.

Matty Healy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now