Chapter 1

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I decided I was going to start with This story which takes place after the war, before working on Ginny's Story, because I'm going to work on that when I'm in California, and I wanted to do this one. So here you go.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or anybody/anything associated with him/it.

"Harry!" I heard my name being called, and, spinning around quickly, I saw Kingsley Shacklebolt, newly announced Minister of Magic, making his way towards Ron, Hermione and I.

"I've just Spoken to Minerva, and she will let you three do your seventh year here at Hogwarts, along with Miss Weasley, Miss Lovegood, Mister Longbottom, and all the seventh years from this year that didn't get a proper education. The rebuilding of Hogwarts will be done over the summer, you can stay and help if you'd like to, so you can return next September. Also I would like to know if you, Mr. Weasley, and Miss Granger would like to become Aurors when you graduate from Hogwarts," Kingsley says.

"Sure," Ron and I say at the same time that Hermione says, "I'd like to think about it."

"But we will help rebuild the school," she quickly adds.

"But 'Mione," Ron complained. "I don't want to stay, I want to go home."

"Ronald, you will stay and help rebuild Hogwarts, it is like your home," Mrs. Weasley interrupted, just as Hermione was about to speak. "If you want to return, you will do as I say."

"Fine," Ron gave in.


About two weeks later, I was in Hagrid's hut, just finishing helping him, when Ron and Hermione came bursting in.

"Harry, Ginny wants to talk to you," Ron said, frowning.

"Oh, uh, really?" I asked nervously. Ginny and I hadn't had the chance to talk at all, and I was afraid that she didn't feel the same way I felt about her.

"Yes, now go talk to her," Hermione beamed.

"Alright then," I said, leaving Hagird's and making my way up to the castle.


I sat on the floor of the castle, because they had to take all the tables out to rebuild. I saw Harry making his way up the castle steps and immediately smiled. We needed to talk about our relationship.

"Hi Ginny," He said, looking anxious, it worried me. He looked tense.

"Harry, what's wrong?" I asked.



"Come on, let's take a walk. Shall we?" I said, and grabbed his hand, lacing my fingers through his. He relaxed when I did this. We walked to the Gryffindor Common Room. Thankfully the death eaters had left it untouched. It meant a lot to me. We slept in the dormitories every night, boys and girls still separated.

"Password?" The fat lady asked. She looked incredibly cheery.

"Albus Dumbledore," Harry and I said at the same time. We changed the passwords to every thing in the castle to "Albus Dumbledore" after the war, in memory of him. When Harry frowned, I knew what he was thinking about.

"Harry, it's not your fault, you told Voldemort that Dumbledore had his death planned. You shouldn't blame yourself," I told him.

"I know, but just the thought that he's gone...."

"McGonagall has that portrait in her office of him that you can go to, now come on. We need to talk."

We sat on the couch in the common room and didn't say a word for a while, just stayed in a comfortable silence for few minutes.

"Ginny, I-" Harry began.

"Harry, stop. I need to get this out. Last year, when we broke up, I was devastated. I can't go through that again. So if you're going to break my heart-"

"Ginny, wa-"

"No, Harry, listen. If you're going to break my-" I was cut off when Harry slammed his lips against mine, but he pulled away before I could react.

"Ginny, I broke up with you to protect you. If anything happened to you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I love you Ginevra Molly Weasley. You're my everything; You're mine." And his lips were back on mine again, this time he swiped his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I denied and pulled back so I could get out what I had to say.

"Harry, I've loved you since I was ten but," I decided to mess with him, but I instantly regretted it when I saw the saddest look on his face, full of regret and dread.

"You love someone, don't you?" He asked, anger in his eyes.

"Yes, I do," I had to look away, to keep from smiling.

"Who?" He asked, getting angrier by the second.

"Well, he's in your year, and in Gryffindor. He has the most beautiful emerald green eyes, the sexiest messy, jet black hair that just won't stay down, and his name is Harry James Potter. Not the Harry James Potter, 'The Chosen One' but Harry James Potter, the boy. I love him with all my heart, and he's my everything; mine, just as I am his." He smiled hugged me with such force that he fell on top of me on the couch, our faces inches away from the other. I grabbed his shirt and pulled his lips down to meet mine, feeling those sparks I felt the first time we kissed in the Gryffindor common room, and every time in between. His hands went up my shirt, just as the portrait swung open.

"Oi! Get your bloody hands off of my sister," A voice yelled.

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